Chapter Nine

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"Hey babe" I heard Liam's tired voice come through the phone, "hey, I miss you" "miss you too" "have you just woke up?" I ask chuckling abit "yeah" "it's 12:30" "so??" He asked laughing, I heard a laugh in the background it sounded so familiar "what was that? Did I just hear a girl?" I heard nothing but vuage muttering "Liam?" "Umm no, no corse not I have to go speak soon bye" he said quickly putting the phone down.... "Bye then" I say to myself placing the phone on the bed next to me, I thought nothing of what just happened because why should I he's my boyfriend I trust him.. Don't I?

I walked into the kitchen feeling the cold tiles beneath my feet, I grabbed a hello kitty mug from out the cupboard and flick the switch to the coffee machine, I was stood there in silence my eyes still adapting to the light when I heard feet coming from behind me, I turned around and saw a tired Dan with hobbit hair walking into the kitchen seeing him like this seemed to make me smile.. I was going to say something but then I realised we hadn't spoke since I told him about my arm.. *ping* the coffee machine made a noise making me jump I picked up my mug and began to walk away but my foot hit something causing me to fall to the floor.. "Crap" I let out as the hot coffee burned into my skin I then felt a stabbing pain in my left hand.. I had smashed the mug and a small piece was stuck in my palm, Dan rushed over lifting up my hand "go sit on the counter I will just go get the first aid kit" I nodded and paced slowly over to the counter. Dan returned less than a minute later, he took a pair of tweezers and removed the small piece of pot then began to dab a damp cloth over the small wound "ouch" I say under my breath "sorry" Dan let out sounding slightly frustrated "Dan?" I asked nervously "what?" "Are you annoyed?" I asked as he put the plaster over my cut "honestly? Yeah" he said looking into my eyes "why?" "Because..." He paused looking back down at his feet.. "What??" "Because Ali you don't deserve to be treated like that! I don't care how annoyed he is he shouldn't hurt you!" Dan said raising his voice I looked at him in silence "you deserve somebody better" he let out I a sigh "like who?" Dan slowly lifted his head "somebody like me" he said and crashed his lips against mine I was shocked at first but then kissed back, after a minute or two he pulled away and went to the fridge getting the milk then making some cereal, Dan left the kitchen Phil must have been on his way because I heard Dan say "Ali dropped her mug you might wanna clean up"

"Sorry for the mess, I will help just one minute" I say to Phil leaving the kitchen and entering my room.

What happened? He kissed me? What does this mean? What do I do?

Sorry it's short I couldn't think of what to write but I had to update :))

Dan Howell fanfiction-Darling don't forget meWhere stories live. Discover now