Chapter Ten

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"Not right now!" A loud voice came from dans room, ignoring what I had been told I slowly opened the door seeing Dan sat on his bed with his head in his hands... "Dan?" He looked up his eyes were bloodshot and a tear slipped down his cheek "I said not right now!" He said his voice cracking. I shut the door behind me and stormed over to him wrapping my arms around him "I don't care what you said! What's wrong?" He pulled away and looked me in the eye I sat down beside him.. "Come on you can trust me...." Another tear fell down his cheek but this time I was able to wipe it away "I just can't get rid of the thought that he hurts you.. He shouldn't.." "Dan.." I interrupted "no! Let me finish.. But the thing is I shouldn't care as much as I do your only my friend? I thought if I kissed you it would make me realise that there was nothing between us.. But it only made my feelings grow stronger for you .." Dan likes me?? The question ran through my head a thousand times "but your 17 and I'm 24 and the worst part is your my best friends sister" I looked at him in the eye "age is a number and so what if Phils my brother!" I say raising my voice slightly... I couldn't help but look into his eyes "you don't know how much I want to kiss you right now" one corner of his lips lifted "do it.." I showed a small smile before slowly leaning in to kiss him I only intended for it to be short and sweet but it ended up being long and passionate, I pulled away "we need to talk about this.." he nodded in agreement "not here though" he says "I saw a cute cafe in town yesterday maybe we could go there?" He nodded in agreement once again, "give me 20 minutes" I say before leaving his room..


I heard a knock at my door and soon after I heard it open "the taxi should be here in the next five minutes" I smile turning round looking Dan in the eyes.. "Okay well I'm rea.." He got cut off by the beeping of my phone "oh it's.... Liam" you saw the expression change from happiness to anger.. "Hey?" "Um Ali I have to tell you something.." I noticed it wasn't his voice it was Katies?? AUTHORS NOTE-- KATIE IS ALI'S BEST FRIEND "wait Katie? Where's Liam is he okay?" After saying that I noticed Dan storm out of my room and soon after I heard his door slam.. "Oh yeah he's fine he's just downstairs at the moment" her voice was shaking slightly "oh right.. Wait? Your at his house?" I was so confused?? Why was my best friend at my boyfriends house? "Ye.. And I need to tell you something before he comes back up.." She's now rushing her sentences "go for it?" "Me and Liam have been secretly seeing each other for the past 2months, and I feel so guilty! I had to tell you!" "Oh.." I felt a tear slip down my cheek my trust had been broken by both my best friend and boyfriend? I thought they were meant to be there for you?? "Ali I'm so sorry please don't hate me!!" You could hear the panic in her voice "tell Liam I no longer want to be with him... And as for you!! DONT under any circumstances talk to me again? Got it!? You were meant to be my best friend Katie!! I don't understand how you could do that to me!!" I heard my own voice crack "Ali please?" "Save it!" I let out hanging up, the tears were now falling freely down my cheeks, "Ali I'm going out which top should I wear? The cat one or the pizza one??" Phil said entering my room, it took a moment but he soon looked up seeing my bloodshot eyes and falling tears, he dropped both tops walked over and pulled me into a hug "Ali what's the matter?" He asked showing genuine concern "it's Liam.... He.. He cheated on me" I said feeling the teardrops get heavier "Ali? He's a awful person okay! You deserve much better!!!" He pulled away from the hug looking into my eyes "but Phil?" "Yes Ali?" It took a moment for me to get the words out my mouth "he cheated on me with Katie.." Phil knew Katie because we had been best friends since we were 3 Phil and her used to be close too but I guess they just drifted "what!? Ali that's not like her!!! And if that's true then they are both not worth any of your time okay? I know it's hard but just try and get on with your day? Me and Dan are always here and he's a bad guy okay? I'm sure there's somebody much better than him okay? Just wait .. You will find him." He pulled me into a hug once again but this time it was much tighter "I think I'm going to go for the pizza top" he chuckled, "Ali taxis here!!" Dan called "coming!!" Phil raised a eyebrow "we're going out for coffee I don't feel like being stuck inside all day"  Phil nodded and left my room, I put a extra layer of powder on and left me room and met with Dan by the door.

*in town*

"That's it there" I say walking towards a small building, Dan pushed open the door and we both walked inside "what do you want?" Dan asked "caramel latte please? I will go get us a table" he nodded and I walked away sitting is at a table which happened to be covered with a red checkered table cloth, "they said they would bring the drinks over when they are ready" Dan said pulling out his chair, there was a eary silence between us until the drinks were placed down on the table, Dan took a small sip "I broke up with Liam.." I let out Dan looked up fast "really? Are you okay?" He couldn't hide the smile on his face "yeah, well I guess.. To be honest no.. He cheated on me with my best friend but Phil assured me I would find somebody better." I smirked "I'm sure you will... Anyway you wanted to talk about that kiss?"


If I had wrote 13 more words I would have written 2000!!! I'm so proud!

How's it going so far??
But the bigger question is, what would you guys like to happen? :))))

Dan Howell fanfiction-Darling don't forget meWhere stories live. Discover now