When You Cry

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Sam - He holds you tight, stroking the back of your head as he weaves your hair in between your fingers and rocks with you back and forth as you two sit on the couch.

Dean - He hates seeing you cry. Not only because he doesn't know why, just because he doesn't like to see you upset. He hates it when you get tears in your eyes, when you sob uncontrollably he just doesn't know what to do.

Castiel - He holds you and whispers calming things in your ear. He kisses your cheek, your forehead, and then uses the side of his thumb to wipe away your tears.

Crowley - He doesn't do much, he just lets you get it all out. When you tucker yourself out, he picks you up, carries hi to your room, and kisses your forehead while he whispers in your ear: "Tomorrow is a new day, love." Then he disappears.

Gabriel - He automatically gets defensive and wonders who hurt you. When you tell him no-one hurt you, that you are just sad and incredibly upset he sits down with you, shares a tub of ice cream and donuts, and watch NETFLIX until you feel better.

Lucifer - He cuddles with you. You two lay down on the bed, your forehead digging into his chest. He rubs your back, keeps his chin on the top of your head as best as he could. He lets you get it all out.

Balthazar - He comforts you. He sits on the couch with you clutching his shirt, your face buried into the crook of his neck. He hates seeing you sad, he hates it when you are upset and would do anything to see you smile but even on days when things are bad he understands why you cry.

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