When You're Angry

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Sam - He tends to avoid you when you're angry because God damn, you get scary.

Dean - He hears what you have to say. He cares about your emotions, and when you are angry he lets you sometimes yell at him even though it's not your fault.

Castiel - He zaps you to a happy place. Mostly because he also doesn't really want to hear what you have to say, but also because he doesn't like it when you get angry. It upsets him.

Crowley - He lets you take it out on his demons. Hey, even humans want to kill some things to.

Lucifer - He hates it when you're angry, mostly because it leads to you crying at the end. He hates it when you scream, when you yell, it makes him angry and then you two get into a big shit storm of arguments.

Gabriel - For unknown reasons, he finds it incredibly sexy when you get pissed off. This makes you more pissed off than usual.

Balthazar - He listens. No matter how mad you are, he sits and listens until you get it all out of your system.

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