How He Wakes You Up

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Sam - He doesn't. He knows that every time he tries to be a good boyfriend and wake you up, you're like a freaking dragon and scare the shit out of him because you love to wake up on your own terms and turf. But after you fall back asleep, he ruffles your hair--which makes you smile a bit. 

"What time is it?" 

"Uh, 7:30am?"

"Is it lunch time yet?" 


"Then wake me up when it's that time." 

Dean - He likes to kiss your forehead, despite how you don't like being woken up in the morning but he does that just because of that very reason. 

"Hey sleepy head." 

"...Shut up..." 

"Nah, I thought I'll make you breakfast." 

"Can you even cook?" 

"We can find out!" 

Castiel - He wakes you up with a small push at the shoulder. When you don't wake up, he rolls over onto his back, pushing you a bit until you eventually fall off of the bed. He laughs a bit, not knowing why that was funny because you got hurt but he finds the face you make afterwords adorable. 

"Cassie, what the Hell?!" 

"Good morning, [y/n]!" 

"I'm on the god damn floor!" 



Crowley - From his past experiences, sort of like how Sam wakes you up, he doesn't wake you up. Even though you're not a demon, you very much act like one when you wake up because god damn do you get scary--scary enough to make him put his hands up in the air and say that he's done and will be back later.




"Fuck this, I'm out." 

Gabriel - Somehow, you don't get mad at him when he wakes you up. Mostly because you sometimes get up before him (and for some odd reason you just like to skip breakfast and head straight towards lunch). 

"Gabriel, Gabe... c'mon hun, time to get up." 

"Five more minutes..." 

"I thought angels didn't need sleep?" 

"No, but it's nice and I said five more minutes." 


"Oh, I'm the baby?!" 

"Fine, fine, I'll wake you up when it's dinner." 

Lucifer - He likes it when you're grumpy at 5 in the freaking morning, but you can't stay mad at him forever. But when you are mad at him for waking you up, he just tends to kiss you on the lips to shut you up before you start to get angry with him.

Balthazar - You two stay in bed. Hug each other while sleeping, he rubs the side of your cheek and watches you sleep.

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