Shows You Watch

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Dean - Despite how many times he said that he wasn't much of a TV person -- because he is more of a movie person -- but you got him to watch Torchwood with you. Mostly because you'd rather be dealing with aliens rather than demons and stuff.

Sam - Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Even though it's old and silly, you two love it. 

Gabriel - Futurama. Bender is your favorite character, and of course Gabriel just loves the fact that you have a taste for people with that kind of personality. 

Crowley - Harry Potter. Dealing with magic was something that you did not do with lately because witches were not really around that much but it's something that Crowley actually enjoys. 

Balthazar - Parks and Rec. He enjoys the personality of Ron Swanson, meanwhile it's how you like Leslie Knope's hyperactive and go-getter personality! 

Castiel - You two watch Agents of SHIELD. You like it because it follows some of the movie plot lines and being the movie buff that you are, you try to help Castiel understand the series because he hasn't watched the movies himself. 

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