Your First Kiss

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Sam - When he finds out that you are safe after a super dangerous vampire hunt, he kisses you on the lips with a childish smile on his face. He grabs your shoulders as he does, picking you up off of your feet with your foreheads touching.

"Y/N! You're safe!"

"Yeah, that vampire was a bitch to kill--"

"--Come here!"

Dean - When he got out of Hell, he went to you after seeing Bobby and came to your house to let you know that hey, he's out of Hell. You don't believe him at first, but then after a long period of explanation he kisses you hard on the lips to make sure that what he was seeing was true.

"Holy shit snacks it is you! B-But how? You were dead for almost a year!"

"Just shut up and let me kiss you."

Castiel - He kisses you to shut you up sometimes, after ranting at him for getting you out of Hell he kisses you on the lips and you fall silent. Totally out of character for Castiel, making you want to stand on your tip-toes you just take in the moment.

"You talk to much."

"Well that's one way of telling me to shut up."

Crowley - When you come home from a hunt, he is always tense when you leave so when you come back he is relieved. After when you get yourself settled, you always face plant on the couch and take a nap but he came up to you and welcomed you home with a kiss on the lips.

"Fuck your demons, they suck ass to kill!"

"Welcome home, love."

"I'm covered in blood and you kissed me?"

"Shut up."

Gabriel - He took you to a fair and you two were on the top of a Ferris wheel. You two joke about how cliche this was as a date, Gabriel didn't get at all offended by it considering the fact that he knew it was. After talking and laughing for a bit, he kisses you on the lips as the car stops in mid-air.

"This is really cliche, no offense."

"Ugh, none taken. I'm upset with myself really, I could've done much better. I mean a Ferris wheel, seriously?"

"Yeah. I mean, we've probably both been on better dates."

"Oh I think this is actually one of my bests though."


"I wouldn't be able to do this."

"I see what you did there."

Lucifer - You two have been dating after Sam and Dean risen him from Hell. You two were polar opposites--he's Satan, daddy of all demons, and your you--but you two still got along fairly well. He kissed you after you were freed from Raphael's possession after being kidnapped for five weeks.

"Y/N, I swear to my Father that if my brother laid a hand on your head I will kill him--"

"--Lucifer, I'm fine. Just shaken up..."

"You're safe with me now, dear. Don't worry."

Balthazar - You worked at a museum and you were the night guard. You just walked around the place, flashlight in hand, looking out for teens who wanted to stay the night in the place. You heard a crash, a few strings of curse words, and headed towards the place you heard it. That's where you met your new best friend, Balthazar. After that you two stayed close together, too close but not too close for comfort. He was protective of you, and you were the same towards him. For shits and giggles, he took you to a museum for your fifth date and to get you to go in, he kissed you on the lips as a treat.

"I don't wanna go to my work."

"You'll be a guest, don't you get in for free?"

"Yeah but..."

"Oh bloody hell, don't be a downer."

"Okie dokie.

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