Crowley Reader Insert - Our Spot By The Lake

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(y/n) - your name

(y/f/c) - your favorite color

(y/f/f) - your favorite food


It was one of those rare moments where you got out of the bunker and you would have been able to go and see Crowley. You were a human, a hunter nonetheless, and you had somehow gained the trust of the King of Hell. You didn't mean too, you were just being your sweet and innocent self because you were that kind of person. The Winchesters always told you that you needed to get your tough attitude out into the world, of course because you were a hunter. Most hunters were bitchy, gruff, and rude but you were someone different, you were like Garth in a way but you had your own methods as well.

Vrrr, vrrr, vrrr! Your cell phone vibrated in your back pocket, it was a (y/f/c) iPhone that you had gotten with your own money despite the fake credit cards that Sam and Dean managed to ring up you used your own cash that you've saved up. You reached into your back pocket and pulled it out, reading the message.

Crowley - Hello darling, I will be @ our usual spot in a few. Things are getting busy at work.

You smiled, a small blush forming on your cheeks as you tucked it away. You had stolen, however, a BMX bike that you found outside the door of a hotel room that you and the Winchesters were staying at for a hunt you were doing.

You peddled your way towards the spot at the lake that was near by, you, Sam and Dean were in New York and you've always wanted to go here and it was beautiful -- despite the rush of it all and the arrogance of the residents -- you liked the sight of it. You could walk everywhere too! You loved walking more than Dean loved to drive his Baby, yeah you went there. You didn't like being drove around everywhere, plus Dean drove like James Bond and it gave you a stomach ache every time you got in the front seat with him.

As you made your way towards the lake, you stopped and smiled as you looked at the site. My god, it was beautiful! You let out a sigh and leaned your stolen BMX bike against a big oak tree and leaned against it as well, you had brought a bag with you and you had stuffed it with things to do. You took out your sketchbook as well as your DSi XL, you loved video games and you were currently addicted to Pokemon -- well you always have been, even before you got into the hunting game, way before that kind of like a child hood game of yours.

You took out a charcoal pencil and sketched out a sketch of the lake that was in front of you, you didn't know how long it would be for Crowley to get here so you brought along some of (y/f/f) and munched on it for a while as you were humming a tune to a song that you liked.

"Hello love," you jumped a bit in your seat as Crowley appeared right behind you, as a result you accidentally slap him in the face. "I didn't mean to startle you, Jesus." he let out a small laugh, making you blush a bit and standing up to apologize to him.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" you said to him as you covered your mouth, trying not to laugh out loud because he probably couldn't feel any of it because it was just a simple slap in the face out of being spooked. "I thought you said you weren't coming for a while?" you asked, making sure that was what you heard.

Crowley shrugged, "I finished earlier than expected," he tells you as he kissed the side of your cheek, "what are you drawing love?" he asked as he looked over your shoulder, looking at the art you were doing. You were quite the little artist, he had to admit he was quite jealous of it.

"The lake. Figured I mind as well get a momento of this place before we head out on another case." you tell him, That and it's our special spot, you added to yourself in thought, who knows when we will meet again. You think as you stare out at the lake blankly, trying to get your thoughts together.

"Something wrong, love?" he asked as Crowley looked at you with a raised eyebrow, you shook your head no. "Y'know, people say 'we always have...' this kind of place, cliche and all that. If you ever want to come here again, you know the number to call me." you chuckled, pushing him playfully.

Crowley was like your best friend, "I thought that was Lucifer's number?" you say to him.

"Eh," Crowley shrugs, "he doesn't really use it any more so he gave it to me." you felt a swetdrop roll down the back of your head.



A/N - Here is something that I just wanted to write because I'm just trying to get ideas out and make this a big book like that kind of shit and stuff. Meh.

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