When You Die

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Sam - He knows better not to do anything stupid like make a deal or do something drastic that will require him being killed in action to save your life and bring you back from the dead. But he loves you, so he does it anyways.

Dean - He has a pity party for himself. Disappearing for months on end, thinking about how he couldn't save you and how Castiel can't bring you back all because you went to Heaven. Even if you are in Heaven he has no good times without you.

"There ain't no me if there ain't no you."

Castiel - When you die, he will go to Hell to get you back. Even if you did something unspeakable like start World War Three or something god awful that would kill anyone else on the planet. If you got sent to Heaven, he would visit you every day and give you updates on your favorite Winchesters.

Crowley - He would miss you. You won't be in Hell despite all the things you do, you would still be sent to Heaven because your heart is pure and your soul is clean and you have not committed any other sin besides doing what you need to do to survive in the world. He can't visit you in Heaven, it's physically impossible.

Lucifer - Even though if he were to go to Heaven to see you, you will still be tortured by his brothers and sisters for knowing him. Lucifer loves you no matter what and he always has you in his heart.

Gabriel - Gabriel will be furious with whatever/whoever killed you and would beg the Winchesters for help to bring you back. Because even though he's an archangel, even he has his own limits and he can't enter Heaven without his ass being pounced on by some blood thirsty brothers and sisters.

Balthazar - He mourns over your death as he cradled you in his arms. You told him not to cry, that you're okay even though you were dying.

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