When You're On Vacation

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Sam - He makes it romantic. He lets you hold his hand, he takes you out to a nice dinner (suit and tie even!) and then you two have a tiring night of movies and ice cream.

Dean - He's on edge all the time when you two finally have the chance to be together on an actual vacation because of demons and shit but you take his mind off of it by quickies and pie.

Gabriel - Every day is a vacation with this guy! But when you two get a long weekend (or even a week) you two really go at it. He takes you to exotic places, he buys you chocolate and flowers, and then you two spend the rest of the day in bed.

Crowley - Being the King of Hell is busy work, but he also has a lot of time on his hands when he's not dealing with Team Free Will. He will take you to his private quarters, make you dinner, and the night gets romantic as it goes.

Castiel - What's a vacation?

Lucifer - He gets you two a hotel room for a whole week, he holds your hand and never lets go all the time. He gets super protective when other guys hit on you, which you find adorable. He tries to make it relaxing but even on vacation, he finds it hard not to kill somebody.

Balthazar - He makes it romantic. He gets you wine, exotic foods, takes you to France because that's you two's spot.

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