16 Stars

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I follow Eric slowly out of the car. When I watch him sit on the back of his car I realize why we are here. To watch the stars. I do the same with his help. Stars come second in my love of things in the sky. Nothing can bet the tantalizing appeal of the moon. I could watch the moon for hours. But stars not really there's too many of them for one to be special. Beautiful but many they are.

"I see it you know. When you think no one is watching. You're sad. I see it when you think no one is watching you. You let it show even if it's just for a moment." Eric reflectively accounts. "You don't have to be. You have me now." He adds.

I've been good at pretending for my mom and for Dixon. But not good enough at hiding it from Eric. I don't think kids who go through a divorce ever get that feeling of family back. It still feels empty. Broken and never complete.

I turn to look him in his eyes. He's waiting patiently for me to say something. What do I say? You're right. It still hurts everyday. It feels like a parent died.

"How long have your parents been together?" I ask instead.

He's eyebrows come together as he thinks. "For as long as I can remember. They mated young."

"Well in a way that's how I remember my parents. They're been together before I was even thought of and now... nothing." I sit up. "How can love work that way. It's there and then it isn't?" I ask not looking for an answer.

Eric's warm hand finds mine and he squeezes softly. "I can't speak on human love because I'm not. I can only speak on what I know and what I feel about you."

"I know."

"All I'm asking is for the chance to show you." He whispers close to my ear.

I didn't even feel him move closer. The warmth from his body is very comforting. Like being home sitting by the fireplace with a book.

"Can we go somewhere?" I ask.

"Anywhere in particular?" He asks as he helps me down.

"To yours." I reply.

The familiar route to the marina calms my nerves. The light breeze coming off the ocean releases what is left of them. We exit his car and walk down the pathway towards his yacht. I never did ask about having a party here like Dixon suggested. I wonder if Eric likes parties. I used to enjoy them and I don't remember seeing him or Dimitri at any.

"What's on your mind?"

"Do you like parties? I don't remember seeing you at the ones I used to go to?" I ask truthfully.

"I'm not into parties but I wouldn't be opposed to them if you wanted to go to one. I'm more of small family get togethers." He tells me.

Eric and I both come from small families. My mother has no siblings and my father has a brother whom he doesn't speak with. I'm not sure why I just know he doesn't come over for any birthdays or holidays but I always receive a card in the mail for my birthday. I only have probably a handful of family members that I can count. Both Eric and I don't have any siblings. I wonder when I'll meet his family. I think to myself. It's bond to happen soon with the new wolf in town.

I follow closely behind Eric as he leads us inside to the sitting area of the yacht. I can tell he didn't choose the design scheme himself. Maybe his mother did or someone else. The colors are too light for his taste of dark colors that he wears.

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