5 Questions

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I spend must of my weekend doing research. Whatever I can get my hands on. Naturally I have a lot if questions. It's not everyday you get to see what I saw. What I experienced first hand. It's all so scary and intriguing at the same time. I've haven't been excited about anything in a long time so I'm trying to not over do it.

How do I ask him to tell me more? Why did he tell me in the first place? He could have lied to me. He could have let me get hurt but he didn't and I need to know why.

I can hear my mother downstairs making dinner for tonight. She tries to be home for most Sunday's. So far she has, making sure I have something home cocked. She's been busy with her cases and I hope she isn't doing it to keep her mind off of other things.

I close my laptop and notepad finally giving my werewolf research a break. Most of what I found could all be myths from what people think they know or just movie or tv fabrications. I'm not going to believe everything I read.

While putting my things away I realize my camera isn't on my desk. I'm sure it's lost or broken and there's no way I'm going back to check.

I join my mother in our creme colored kitchen where she is turning off the oven. Her dark hair is hanging straight in a high ponytail. Instead of a designer suit she is wearing a plain white button down shirt, black slacks and black flats to match. My mother has never been the sweatpants type of lady.

I on the other hand wouldn't mind wearing them or pajamas all day if it was acceptable. "Do you need any help mom?" I ask as I walk to the large square dinning table.

"No, but thanks for asking. Everything is done. I'll just get some drinks."

There's only two place settings at our table now. My mom sits at the head of the table while I sit to her left. The bay windows in our dinning room give off natural light so we don't have to use the chandelier but the other lighting fixtures.

I add mashed potatoes, peas and steak to my plate as my mother talks about her recent case win. Even without Tom, her and her team won.

"But that's enough about me. How's school, how did it go today?" My mother sips her red wine and waits for my answers.

"Well it's only the second week but it's fine. I really like my gym and photography class." I tell her what I can.

I'm not going to tell her how I didn't like getting up every morning not having him here then going to school to come back home and he's still not here. I know my father isn't coming back but I think about it all the time.

I haven't seen him in maybe two months when he came to pick up the last of his things. I couldn't even look at him. I didn't come out of my room. I only watched him leave from my window.

"That's lovely. I can't wait to see the photos you took." She smiles warmly at me.

I will not dare mention the bobcat that attacked me or the fact that I loss my camera. I nod my head and smile back at my mother.

We spend our Sunday this way small chit chat and food. It's light and not to much. My mother never pushes for me to open up and share my feelings. She knows me too well.

I clean up the kitchen putting the dashes away and clearing the table. When I'm done my mother is in the living room watching a movie. I kiss her good night before going to bed. I wonder how Monday will be.

Dixon calls me way before my alarm rings to do so. I ignore his call and put it on don't disturb mode while I get ready for school. After my shower I pick out a pair of shorts, white v neck shirt and a thin black cardigan.

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