19 Severyde

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The drive over to my house all I can think about is how I am going to meet Eric's parents. I was about to meet members of his father's pack. Would they react differently to me than the few I've met at school? I hope they wouldn't. 

I start to think about the message my school will end up leaving on my mother's phone for my absence from the rest of my afternoon classes. I've never left school before so I hope my mother won't take it as some form of me acting out or needing attention. Which is definitely not the case here.

I tell Eric he doesn't have to come up with me while I change out of my gym clothes. He tells me anything will be fine but to wear something other than gym attire because I'm meeting his parents. He tells me I will look fine and follows me inside anyway. He has to say the because he's my mate. 

I try to find something decent to wear in my closet. What do people wear to meet parents anyway? I never had to think about things like this before. Eric is my first serious relationship.

 I opt for a black dress and matching flats. Simple and cute. 

"You're beautiful no matter what you wear."

"You're very sweet."

I follow him out and we get back into his car. The nerves start to kick in. My hands start to get sweaty and I can't control my heartbeat. Eric looks over at me as he drives but doesn't say anything. I know he can feel my emotions. Anything that we would try to say to me right now will just go in and out of my head so I'm glad he's letting me be.

"It's not too far." He says. I only nod my head.

I can feel myself start to calm down. Partly because he's being so cool and because I'm not worrying so much about the meeting part but the information I'm about to receive from Eric and his parents.

We pull up to tall thin black gates. With the sun shinning brightly I can make out the dark crest that is in the middle. A single image of a wolf with its teeth showing and claws out posing for a fight. Eric types in a few numbers into his phone and the gate opens for us.

The pathway isn't as along as I thought it would be. We pull up to a house that is much bigger than mine. It's different than any house I've seen. Very modern and sharp. Like it was built from the mind of a very creative person.

Eric turns off his car, pulls the keys out, and looks over to me. "My father and mother are in the office. The other's will stay away until I tell them they can approach.  "Are you ready?"

"Yes." I tell him and we both exit the car.

Immediately I notice the smell. I can only describe it was pure nature. Like I've been traveling deep in the woods for days. I instantly feel warm and welcomed. The smell alone makes the dark sharp house not so scary.

Before we reach the first step Dimitri opens up the front door with a smile on his face. Mine drops. "Don't you have school?" I tease him. I wonder when he decided to leave school and if Dixon is home safe or still in school.

"Don't you?" He bites back.

"Enough." Eric says lowly. His voice gives me instant shivers.

Eric leads me inside the house pass Dimitri. The dark wood floors are the first thing I notice. I follow closely behind Eric as he leads us up the dark staircase. There are no pictures on the walls  of any kind. Only a large glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling seems to make up for that. 

I grab a hold of Eric's hand when we stop at a door. I hold my breath as he knocks twice. A loud sturdy voice tells us to enter so we do. Eric enters first and I follow right behind him. The lights in the room are dim but enough to make out objects and faces in the room.

Immediately I spot a male and female waiting for us. The male is sitting down while the female is standing at his right side. If being a werewolf had a look they didn't have it. Besides Eric's father being built like an ox and his mother with an athletic physique they both look pretty normal.

"Welcome dear, please join us on over here." Eric's mother says as we all walk over to the siting area in the middle of the room.

"Thank you." Is all I mange to say.

"Please call me Anne and this is my mate Elias." She proudly introduces.

Anne and I sit down on the obsidian couches while both Eric and his father hoover for a moment. Both Anne and I give each other knowing glances. Eric and his father are communicating with one another. It only lasts a few seconds, noticeable to only someone who would know about there kind.

The dim lighting bounces of the dark colored wood walls. It feels very homey for an office.

"Sorry, just a quick update." Elias says as he and Eric sits down.

"No worries." I tell him.

Now that they are both closer to me I can make out what features Eric has inherited from his parents. Elias has the same light blue shade eyes and pink tint to his lips. From Anne he got his lovely dimples and smile.

"Let's get down to business then. We believe this wolf who caused your accident was just passing through as most wolves do but he must have picked up on Eric's scent. I'm sure Eric has explained we are not like most werewolves but descend from lycanthrope bloodlines." Eric's father explains.

"Yes he has told me about it." 

"Good. We are having a hard time locating the wolf. Once we find him I will question him and take it from there." Elias tells us. "For now just stay close to Eric at all times until we find out why he is still here."

For some reason I thought they would have more to tell me. I thought Eric was late because they found him already. I thought I could finally relax and get my life back to normal. On top of the mystery wolf the new wolf Jason is an added caution.

I don't like the idea of having to always watch my back or have it watched. I have a feeling that Eric will never want to leave my side with the advice his father gave. Not that having Eric by my side is a bad thing. Its going to be something I have to get used to. For the safety of my friends and family I'll do anything.

"Would you like some tea dear?" Anne asks me and I nod my head. "We'll be in the kitchen if you need us." She tells the both of them.

I follow her lead to down the hall, down the stairs and to the kitchen. Still no other wolves in sight. Expect Dimi but he doesn't really count. My eyes adjust to the bright white lights of the plan white kitchen. Its spotless and large just enough space to feed a pack.

"I want to tell you right now that I don't like the idea of my son with a human." Anne tells me in a even voice as she readies the tea.

I'm caught off guard by her statement. I thought she liked me. Her kind smile and warm demeanor all fake? But why? I start to feel small and judged. I start to wonder if Elias feels the same way about me.

"I-I know this world is new to me and my relationship with your son is new but I don't think you gotten to know me. Human or not." I try to pick my words because she is mated to an Alpha. I have to show her respect.

"The truth is you are fragile. Humans aren't meant for wolves or alpha children for that matter." 

I watch her as she pours the tea into small china tea cups. I think about her words and it has me thinking that maybe I made a mistake accepting Eric. My chest feels tight as I think of him not being mine. I can feel my face get hot. Tears will come next if I don't calm down now.

"I'm just stating facts dear." She sweetly tells me as she hands me the tea.

I don't want it. I don't want anything from her. She doesn't even want me to be with her son. I take it out of respect but I don't drink it. I follow her around the island and we sit. I count down the seconds in my head until I can leave. I don't want to meet anyone any more. I just want to go home.

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