9 Letterman

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I wait patiently for Eric's car to pull up. I can't stop fidgeting. I've checked my hair twice before walking out my door. I can only imagine what my mother would have said if she seen me this way. I'm nervous and honestly a bit excited. I can't remember the last time I went on a date. It's sad to say I don't remember going on dates with my ex boyfriend. We spent time together yes but one on one dates no. Plus I had no idea what to do then. I had just started high school.

But this is different with Eric. He's mine already in a way. That alone makes my head spin. If he wasn't keeping the location of our date a secret maybe I could relax.

I hoping for some dinner maybe a movie afterwards. Time isn't an issue because it's Friday. All of Thursday Eric wouldn't stop asking for his date so here I am waiting for him to pick me up.

I could have drove myself but no. Eric insists on driving. I stand up to check the street again.

"He better not be late." I whisper to myself.

I check my phone for the time. He has a few minutes to show or I'm going back inside and pretending I'm not home. I'm sure he'll just find a way in like he's done before.

Eric's freshly waxed Chevy pulls up early. I sigh internally. I'm nervous and I hate it. He's wearing his letterman jacket again. Not for the weather of course because he's always warm. It must be for show. Like anyone is going to mess with a guy his size. Knowing he's on the wrestling team is just a bonus. If they see his size and captain written on his jacket and still have it in them to try it was fair warning.

"Are you ready?" He asks me. Eric takes my hand and leads me over to his car.

"Yes." I reply. I didn't notice him get out. I was to wrapped up in imagining him fighting off hoards of guys.

After minutes of driving I want to ask where we are going. During his begging on Thursday he told me it would be a surprise. This surprise location is making my stomach turn. How do I know I'm dressed appropriately? My black pot a dot romper and flats are causal. What if you do fine dining?

"Penny for thoughts." I nearly jump from his deep voice. "You can relax Olivia." I can hear the amusement in his voice.

"Sure. So where are we going Eric?" I ask for the hundredth time.

"Once we get there you'll see." He smiles at me proud of himself.

An hour or less of driving and we pull up to the marina. A few boats and small yachts are docked. It seems like a lovely day to go sailing. Eric lives in the marina. For our first date he takes me to his place. I'm a little annoying by this.

"Now before you jump to conclusions it's not like that." He tells me. He is reading my face.

"It better not be Severyde." I smirk his way.

Eric parks close to the entrance. I follow his lead and read the private keep out signs as we enter. The cool breeze coming off the ocean is welcoming on this warm day.

We pass by a few boats before Eric stops at a white three level yacht. Of course it's also freshly cleaned. It's bigger than the yacht my father owns. I've only been on a boat a few times. I don't necessarily like riding on the water. Being inside the water is fine but not being steady for some reason always bothered me.

Eric reaches for my hand to help me on. I'm hesitant to take it. "You can trust me." He tells me.

"It's not you I don't trust at the moment. It's the water."

"Are you afraid?"

"Just a bit. It's been a while since I've been on a boat." I admit.

"When you are with me you will be safe. No, you are mine so you will always be safe no matter where you are." I can feel my insides grow warm from his statement. "Now please take my hand."

I take his hand and take a deep breath as I step on. The boat rocks steady under me from the waves. Eric gives me a pleased look and I smile at him. So far so good. There is nothing weird about any of this yet. I'm still waiting for the surprise of werewolves showing up for some reason.

Eric gives me a tour of this yacht which is also his home. It's not as flashy as it looks on the outside. The inside is very minimal with sold colors of black, white, and gray. He only has what he needs. For a guy it's very tidy or he just cleaned up because of me.

"So why do you like photography so much?" Eric asks as he chops up some vegetables.

He has since removed his jacket and left it laying over the black bar stool chair. I'm not complaining about my view of his sculpted muscles.

I smile at the thought of my passion. "It's not something I can explain. I've always enjoyed nature and when I was old enough I asked my parents for a camera so I could keep the images forever. Hearing the stutter of the camera is calming."

"My turn. So why a boat?"

"I still have a room at the parents place. I just needed my own space. I'm next in line to be Alpha and I wanted to distance myself from that for a while. It can be very daunting."

I only nod my head and smile at his answer. I have no idea about the life of a werewolf or what that is like for someone who has a life planned out for him. He is destined to be an Alpha like his father. Does he want it?

"The salmon is almost done. Anymore questions?" He ask excitingly.

I find myself wanting to ask werewolf related questions. "Because I'm your mate I'll meet your family sooner than later right?"

"I'm glad you asked that. When you are ready I will take you to meet them."

"Will Dimitri be there?"


"He rubs me the wrong way. I know he's your friend but I just don't know about him." I tell him truthfully. Eric's eyes turn dark and I regret bringing up Dimitri.

"He doesn't have to be there." Eric says finally.

I watch as he sets our plates with the grilled salmon and mixed vegetables. A fitting meal for the location. We eat quietly. The food is really good. I wonder if his mother taught him how to cook.

"The salmon is really good. Did you mother teach you how to cook?"

"Thank you Olivia. Actually I taught myself." He says proudly. "The sun is just about to set. Do you want to watch it?"

I finish up my salmon and follow Eric to the third level. I hold on the the railing and Eric stands close behind me. Everything in me wants to turn around but I keep looking forward at the sun.

"Now Olivia take a deep breath and make a wish."

"What?" I laugh.

"Make a wish."

"You wish on stars not sun sets."

"This one is special. Trust me."

Trust him. He keeps telling me that. It's harder than it seems. Not wanting to miss out on a special wish I close my eyes and do so. I'm not sure what I'm suppose to wish for. My subconscious whispers happiness so I wish for that.

"That's a good look for you. He says with a smile.

"You think?" I ask.

"You should wear it to school."

"I see what you're trying to do Eric but it's not going to work. I'll wear it now because it's chilly and only because it's chilly."

Wearing a team member's letterman is a big deal at Creek Bay. It usually means the person wearing the jacket is dating the person it belongs to. Eric and I aren't dating not really anyway. I don't know really.

"Thank you for gracing me with your company. You have a good night Olivia."

"Good night Eric. See you at school."

"Or sooner you never know." I hear him whisper as he leaves for his car.

I really did enjoy my time with him which is equally as scary as accepting the mating.

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