3 Party

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I'm dressed and ready by six thirty. My club outfit is a little tighter then I wish it was since I haven't been dress shopping in a while all the dresses I own are very form fitting. It's that or my body decided to finally full out.

I send a quick text message to Dixon so he can pick me up now. I see no need in waiting until seven. Unless he isn't ready but the text he sends me tells me he is on his way.

I check my make up before putting my I.D. cards in my clutch along with my phone and a credit card.

I lock my front door with the spare key that hides under a fake birdhouse. My idea. My mother has no clue it's there. I made it myself back when clubbing on Friday night's was a regular for the old me.

Just as I'm placing the single key back into it's hiding spot Dixon arrives and parks his black Range Rover. He opens my door for me like a gentleman.

"What are those?" He questions me and I'm confused by it.

He holds my forearms to show me the light blue and purple bruises I didn't notice before. They must be from Dimitri. When he wouldn't let me go. He's grip was tight but I didn't think they would leave marks on me.

"It must be from earlier." My voice is low as I think back to it. Eric came and made Dimitri leave me alone but it was different from a friend telling the other to get lost it was more like a leader telling his follower.

Once Dixon releases me I get in and put my seat belt on. I watch him as he walks around the front to the drivers seat. His black button down shirt is rolled up to his elbows so I can see him flex his forearm muscles. Something he doesn't when he's mad or upset.

"Dixon it's nothing."

He turns to face me his eyes are glossy. "No it's not Liv. Monday morning I'm going to kick his ass. I don't care if I get suspended." He says as he drives not looking at me.

"Eric was there." I tell him. I don't know why. Maybe it's to change the subject. I love Dixon and how he wants to defend me but I don't want him to get into any trouble or hurt.

"He was?" He says as he raises one eyebrow. "Do I have to kick his ass too?"

I laugh. "No. You don't have to do anything. I'm fine and told him to stay away from me the both of them."

"Good." Dixon says.

Dixon follows his GPS the rest of the way with no more talk about these annoying seniors. There is no more talk about kicking anyone's ass. We talk about our classes and the art project we have to complete. Dixon is very passionate about his photography. He's grades definitely show it.

He's even thinking about going to a college just for Art. I love our photography class too but I don't think in the same way as Dixon. For me it's to keep me occupied and busy. For him it's his whole life.

We arrive in Miami at nine. The grand opening was at eight so we are fashionably late. Plus the traffic in Miami is wild.

"Keys?" The valet asks Dixon and he hands over his keys before kissing them. He really loves his car. The young man hands him a red ticket.

Dixon leads us straight to the front of the long line. He gives the bouncer his name and we are allowed to pass. Someone has planned this whole thing out.

I keep hold of Dixon's hand as he attempts to lead us away from the crowd and up to the VIP seating.

The dark lighting doesn't help much as we make our way up black steps that lead to the VIP section. The couches are deep red, maroon maybe it's hard to tell with the lack of light. The small circular table that reaches my under my knee has a white piece of paper with Dixion's first and last name.

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