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I grip my small tea cup tightly. The ceramic is hard in my hands. If I was a wolf I could break it if I wanted. But that's exactly what I'm not. I'm just a human who doesn't have any power. The reason his mother won't accept us, me.

A small thought comes into my mind for only a second. I don't allow it to stay more than that. I will never be able to give him up. Not because his mother doesn't want us to be together. Not because I'm scared of being someone's complete half. And definitely not because of what my father did to my mother. I can't let other people's actions effect my life. Because that is what Eric is now.

Eric is my future. My mate. My future husband.

We sit watching each other both not saying a word. How can someone be so cold? She even sits like a statue. What can I say to her after knowing what she feels about me? She knows nothing of what I've been though or who I am. If I told her would she even care?

My glaze falls on the lingering body in the doorway. Dimitri. For once in my life of knowing him I'm glad to see his stupid face. He tilts his head to the side and I jump at the opportunity to leave the kitchen.

"Need saving?" He asks knowingly.

I nod my head and follow him hoping he's leading me to where Eric is.

"Anne will come around. She has no choice really. She won't be like this forever. Eric won't allow it." He speaks again.

I honestly don't want to talk about it anymore. Finding Eric is on my mind.

"Elias already loves you. So don't worry."

"Thanks but I really just want Eric right now." I confess to him.

We stop walking. "Did you hear that?" Dimitri moves so fast I'm behind him and against the wall.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.


A rush of foot steps come our way and I close my eyes tight and hold my breath. I feel Dimitri relax so I open one eye to peak at why. I release my breath when I see him.

Eric reaches for me and Dimitri allows me to move from behind him. I'm in Eric's arms in an instant. "Thank you." He whispers into my hair to Dimitri.

"All apart if the job." He tells him. "What was that?"

"Some of the younger wolves messing around."

"For a second I that we were being attacked."

"Alpha wants the younger ones inside for now. He's having the pack canvas the land."

"Good plan."

"For now." Eric adds.

I shift slightly to let him know I'm still here. He looks down at me and gives me a knowing look. I feel like an outsider being here and his mother made it no better.

"What did she say to you?" Eric's eyes darken and his share gives me shivers.


"It doesn't matter. Nothing she said can change my mind about you." I quickly say to calm him.

"Unacceptable." He growls.

Dimitri is gone before I can ask his help. Before I know it Eric is heading for the kitchen. I try my best to keep up with him but he's not moving humanly.

"Mother, my current Luna what did you say to my mate?" Eric holds back with her.

"Only the truth my love." She says sweetly.

I roll my eyes and Eric notices. "I will only say this once. Since you are my mother and the current Luna of this pack you have my respect. But if you want a place in my life you will accept and respect my mate and future luna of this pack." Eric tells her in the most on threatening tone.

His father Elias standing next to me now never looks my way. He only keeps his eyes on his son. I hope this doesn't start a fight. That's not what I want. I just want to be accepted. I want my life to be done what normal.

Anne stands up, "I didn't mean anything by our conversation dear. No need to fuss." She kisses Eric's cheek and walks off.

She passes Elias and I without looking as us or speaking to us. Elias follows right after her.

I walk over to Eric who is trembling in anger. Her nonchalant tone got to him too. My touch does nothing to calm my mate. He lets at a low growl and his eyes turn the shade of his wolf's.

I tip top and grab his face, "hey, hey stay with me Eric." He sighs. "Take me home please."

"Are you sure?" He questions. "You didn't even get to meet the pack."

"Another time." I want to get out. I need air. "I just need to be with you alone."

It was no ploy. I need him close. Just him and me filling the space.

Eric gently removes my hand from his face to his hand. "Okay."

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