Imagine Loki having you on a leash pt. 2

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*May contain hints of sexy fluff, but still no smut!*

Even though your friend warned you, and you knew what Loki was doing, the next day you saw him again, and he flipped his hair in slow motion, as it seemed, and his eyes sparkled in the moonlight, and you couldn't help but give in to his every need. Which was usually just a deep or rough or passionate kiss, or if he was feeling like it an hour of making out in the most random places around Asgard. For some reason, you couldn't help yourself. It was Loki and you couldn't say no. He... was just so...  Loki. Just his name made you smile at yourself, and the electrifying moments you shared made your hairs dance on edge and your heart swayed in the rythm of his, since he always decided everything. The length of the kiss or hug, the rythm, the amount of actual talking inbetween kisses and hugs throughout the day. 

Yeah alright, he was using you, but he wasn't using you for your body, he wasn't demanding anything... repulsing. Your friend thought you two were over though, so a few weeks later, you two were walking through the hallway and you didn't notice Loki until he grabbed you from behind. Your friend got angry at him and started swearing and shouting. "Who do you think you are! Leave her alone you creep! Slut! Frickin'-" "That's enough! Leila, don't be so mean to him!" You snapped, and she tried to say something, but you cut her off again and sneered: "Go be a bully somewhere else, and leave Loki alone! He's innocent!" "What? How long have you two been seeing each other?" "A few weeks now..." "YOU SAY WHAT NOW!?" "Are you jealous or something? You are so obsessed with me, it's like you're in love with me!" She stared at you and blinked a few times and then her eyes turned into her 'you're dead to me' look, and she turned around and walked away. "Good luck being his pet, slut!" She yelled and you huffed. "Fascist..." 

You rolled your eyes, and met Loki's. "Sorry about that, darling... she's a psycho." "You name it... Hey, I was wondering... How about we take it to my room for once?" "Sure, what ever you say, my prince" You grinned at him and winked. "I'd do anything for you." "Yeah, and that's great" he said, as a smirk was plastered on his face, and he pulled you closer. "You wanna know why?" You asked. "Hmn?" "It's because I'm in love with you..." You said, as you placed your head on his chest and hugged him tight. You didn't see his reaction, but he obviously was speechless. "That's nice, let's go." He said, and he tugged you with him. 

He led you through the halls of Asgard, and when you came close to his room, he checked a couple of times whether nobody was there to see you two. How sweet, he wants to keep things private... Then a voice popped into your head, and it started nagging: "Or he's ashamed of being seen with you..." You shrugged it off, that could never be the reason. Loki cared about you.

Loki pushed you inside, and as soon he closed the door, he pushed you against the wall and kissed you roughly. You kissed back, loving every second. His hands ran over your body, and you yelped softly. Loki grinned and pulled back. "Did I hurt you, dear?" See! There it was, he did care! "No, it felt good. Horribly good." You muttered and Loki smirked and he planted random kisses on your neck. You threw your arms around his neck, and pulled in for a kiss, and he kissed you back lovingly. 

He then gently lifted you up into the air, swirled you around and placed you upon his bed, where he continued kissing you. He slid his hand under your shirt and let his cold fingers touch your skin, you moaned and giggled and your heart was burning up with happiness and love for the man who lay on top of you. He kissed your lips, and you held onto him and stopped him. "Loki, wait..." "What is it, my love?" The words swirled through your head and you blinked and gasped. "I... we... er..." 

"Speechless, are we?" "I love you Loki, and I'm serious about this." You lay your hand on his chest and smiled. He smiled back at you. "I'm serious too. I love being around you, I honestly do." You kissed his lips and he kissed back, pushing you into his pillows. 

After what seemed an enternity, you both ended up breathless, staring into each other's eyes. How could Leila say he was a creep? He was so beautiful and sweet, laying there, staring down at you... But still... Confusion filled your head and you slowly started. 

"Loki..." "Yes, my darling?" "I... Well... Leila said you don't love me... that you're only using me for my body... that you're having me on a leash..." You looked away, awaiting Loki's response, hoping it would be a decent excuse, of course it would be! Loki cupped your face with his hands and confusion filled his face. "Why would she say such foul things? I'm not having you on any leash... I just... I don't feel like starting a serious commitment. Is that so bad? To just play around, doing whatever I feel like?" "Does that include doing whomever you feel like?" You softly said, feeling your heart splinter bit by bit.  "It might, but the situation stays the same." "So you do only want me when you have need for me?" "Yes, but I keep coming back for you,

Your thoughts were swirling through your head, and somehow your heart said: "It will fit, it's alright, one day he'll realise his true feelings, so shake it off, you can be with him soon!" 

You looked back into his eyes, and everything sounded logical. Maybe it was his silver tongue, but well, the taste of kissing him with that silver tongue was so magical, you slowly smiled and kissed him softly. "That's okay my love." Loki sighed. "I'm glad" he said with a grin and he snuggled up against you. Just before you fell asleep in his loving arms, you thought: "It's okay, I can wait... I will wait."


Hey guys!!

I hope ya liked it! Do you want a part 3? Please comment what you think, vote and follow meh!

Thank you guys for all the support, and I hope we can reach the 50K soon!! :D I think I'm gonna do something special once I hit it ;D Maybe a video about Loki or a special chapter, something like that... anyways, thanksssss!!! :D

Oh and sorry about the fact I sometimes don't update for weeks and then suddenly spam the internet XD 

Lots of love,


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