Imagine Loki meeting your mother

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Your mother had just seen you with a blanket, on top of Loki's chest, and in his arms, while laying on the couch. You actually had had to be at your mother's but you weren't, so she went to your's to check up on you, and saw you like that. She was very confused and had never seen Loki before, and her first meeting with Loki wasn't really nice. So in all of the sudden you've started muttering explainations, and then just sighed and offered to have dinner together, and she had left.

"Well, that was.... unexpected!" "Loki, I'm sooo sorry!" "About what?" "I-er..." "My love, don't act so awkward, I accept you, as much as you accepted me!" You nodded and ran a hand through your hair, as you stood in the kitchen, being confused because it all went so fast. "Hey, it'll be allright, I'll behave like a gentleman, and well.... I love you, that's what matters!" "You- you really love me?" "Of course I do!" He hugged you tight and kissed you passionately. He then stroke your cheek, traced it and stared at your face. "You're so beautiful Y/N!" You giggled and said: "Much compliments or not, you're going to have to wear something more formal than jeans! Maybe a suit!" "Can't I just wear my Asgardian armour?" "No, Loki, you must look normal and Midgardian! Tomorrow the dinner will be, but now I'm tired so I just want to sleep!" He sighed and walked to his bedroom, and you turned off all the lights, and ran to your bedroom.

"Goodnight Loki!" You called to him after you had dressed in your PJ's. He called back: "Sleep well my love!" "Sleep well!" "Yes, goodnight!" "Uhu, sweet dreams!" You yawned and Loki smiled in the darkness, and whispered: "Not sweeter than you, my flower..." "I heard that Loki!" You said, and you blushed in the dark, and after a few minutes of silence, you sighed loudly. "I CAN'T SLEEP NOW ALREADY!" And you ran to his room, where he already held up the blanket so you could curl up next to him. You noticed he was smiling. "Oh shut up!" "I didn't say anything!" "Yeah sure you did!" you said and you yawned again and lay in his arms until you fell asleep, and you dreamed about Loki and you in Asgard and you giggled while you were dreaming.

The next day, you and Loki went shopping for a suit for Loki. He insisted to make one with magic, but you didn't agree and so you shopped all day. You also bought a new cute dress, black with leather on the top and some more fluff-ish on the underside, and it went till just above your knees. The top had green fluff-ish straps to go over your shoulders and you also bought a golden necklace, and earrings and bracelet.

Loki hadn't seen you in your clothes yet, and you giggled while making dinner, and Loki asked why and you just said: "Nothing... but you'll be very suprised!" He rolled his eyes and you continued on making dinner: Chicken saté with saté sauce and rice, and also some chinese vegetables.

When you were close to finished, you dressed, and set the table. You put every fork, knife, spoon and plate on its place and heard Loki coming in. "Y/N, is this right or do I- wow... you look... stunning! So... my cup of tea!" "Why thank you! And you've been practicing on British sayings, have you?" "Yes, I have! But you really look... wow. Is that dress inspired on my armour?" "Maybe...." You chuckled and kissed him, and tidied his tie. "You look just perfectly Midgardian Loki! I'm sure she'll love you, but not as much as I do..." You winked at him, and heard the doorbell. "Well, here we go!"

You opened the door, and hugged your mother. "Hey sweetie! You look gorgous!" "Thanks mom! Please come in!" You walked into the livingroom with her, and Loki shook her hand. "Hi! I'm Loki Laufeyson! I know... strange name... anyways... It's a pleasure to meet you!" He smiled and you kind of blushed. "The pleasure is all mine! I really didn't know what happened so, I'm sorry!" "No mom, it's alright, I should have told you!" "So... dinner?" "OH, yeah!" You walked to the kitchen, and got the pans and placed them on the table in the livingroom.

"Mmmm it's delicous!" "Thanks!" "So, how did you two meet?" Loki looked at you and you thought quickly. "Friend of a friend" "She found me...." you two said at the same time, you laughed and then recovered: "Well, I was just kicked out by my landlord and then I was wondering around on the streets, and she found me. She recionized me from a party of her friend, and well.. she took me in for the night, and I never actually left..." He looked at you and smiled, but you just felt so awkward and nervous you could explode. "What a coincidence!" "Yes!" "So for how long have you been here, and for how long have you been together?" "Well I've stayed here for a few months now-" "But he just made his first move yesterday morning!" You chuckled and so did he. "Oh gosh, so I- oh gosh... I'm so sorry I interupted your romantic moment!" Your mother muttered and you blushed.

"I-er... It doens't matter mom, I should have just called you!" "So... what was that first move?" "MOM! You don't need to know everything! This isn't a highschool crush or something, which",you turned to Loki," I never had!" "Oh dear, I just can't get used to the fact you live all by yourself now, and have a boyfriend-" "Gosh mom stop it!" "And you've grown up! You've become so mature, you're my beautiful-" "Cut it!" "daughter, and I'm glad you're happy and I just adore that dress! It's so... you!" You blushed and looked down at your plate. "Mom... please don't try to make Loki want to run away now.. thank you..." "Oh don't worry, my love! I won't run away!" Loki said with a wink, and he leant over and kissed your cheek. He sat right beside you, and you lay your hand on his knee and smiled.

"Ah... young love!" "Well actually, in Asgardian years-" "Mom, thanks for coming over, but I think it's time for you to go! I mean, oh look is it that late? Shouldn't you need to take a bus now or something!?" Your mother laughed and got up, hugged you and whispered: "Don't let go of this one, he's Asgardian! Tell Frigga I aprove!" You stared at her in surprise and she pressed her lips into a smirk. "Wait, you- WHAT!?" "Yeah.. I used to be an Asgardian, but my friend, Frigga managed that I could go down to Midgard, to explore it and find true love.... so..." "WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD ME!?" "I-er... I really need to get to that bus in time!" She said and took her coat and walked outside. "It's been a pleasure!" Loki called, as he wrapped his arms around you, hugged you from behind and managed to kiss your forehead. You stared at your mother and smiled. Loki was perfectly yours only,  this evening and night. And forever actually.


Sorry this imagine had sooo much things going on before the actual meeting, but I wanted more flufffffffff!!! :D :D :D <3 hahaha :) Anyways, we've already reached 100+ reads in less than 4 days! 0-0 WOWWW thank you all sooo much for reading and voting and commenting, and please do so now! ;) I'll see you soon, hopefully!

Bye!  ~Dark_Angel_Loki or also known as WatsonTheHobbit !!! :D <3

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