Imagine Loki as a baby!

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Hey readers!

This imagine was requested by  @Shwetap35 !! So if you have a imagine you'd like to see worked out or if you want like more fluff or even smut, just comment and if you think a certain thing shouldn't be here at all, just comment! I'd love to hear your opinion, I don't mind if you think this is all crap, but then I'll probably punch the wall, scream and politely answer something like 'oh okay you're opinion but thanks for being honest!'

So thank you all for the reads, comments and votes so far, please enjoy!!


Frigga smiled and opened the door when she heard a knock. "Good afternoon my lady!" a woman with a brown dress said, smiling, and she carried a baby in her arms. She stepped inside when Frigga nodded and motioned for her to come in. "Welcome, dear! And I told you to stop calling me 'my lady'!" "I'm sorry. It's just... you're still my queen and the fact my daughter can play with your son, it's just an honor!"

Frigga smiled and walked to the little Loki that lay on the floor, staring at the ceiling where shadows danced in forms of animals. "Look Loki! It's your friend again! It's Y/N!" Loki rolled and managed to sit up straight and you were placed beside him. The two mothers started making noises like 'awh' and 'too cute!' and you giggled and crawled closer to Loki, to find out what he had in his hands. Loki grinned and showed you his sceptre with a blue gem glowing in it, and he held it in the sky shortly, and you gasped and when he smiled at his mother, a string of his black hair got in his eye. Loki spend a minute on trying to get it away, and eventually you bend over and stroke it away, and giggled.

"Seems they're having fun already!" Frigga said and she turned to her friend. "Care for some tea?" "Yes that would be delicious!" They walked away and you lifted a wooden horse with eight legs and played with it for a while, and Loki took a wooden cat to play with, and even though they were both equally big which would be very strange in real life, you two were very amused.

After a while Loki got bored and grinned at you. He stroke the horse and a golden light appeared, and the horse came to life. It was still small and made of wood, but now it galloped around you and Loki, and you cheered happily and chased it around. You slipped on a cloth and fell on your face, but right before it happened Loki waved with his hand and a pillow slid under your face. You felt the soft pillow and was amazed about what happened. After breating in and out, you sat up again and looked at a smiling Loki.

Frigga and her friend came in again, chattering with a cup of tea, and the friend started screaming when she saw the moving horse. "Frigga! What is that? What happened? Did somebody come in or-" "Calm down! Calm down!" Frigga said firmly, and she placed her cup of tea on a table, and picked up Loki. "Darling, what did you do?" Loki stared in her eyes, and a smile tugged on his adorable cheeks. "Did you bring the horse to life?" Loki looked down and Frigga knew he did. She waved and the horse fell down immediatly, lifeless and just a toy. "Don't do it when others are here." She said, staring into his eyes.

"I bet he wouldn't understand, Frigga. He's just a baby." "But he is a smart baby. He will understand." "Frigga, I am not sure-" "Your daughter is safe, at least they didn't bring a big statue of one of Odin's ancestors to life!" She joked and her friend laughed, while she ran a hand through your short hair.


I think that's it for now... Sorry it was so short, I don't want to bore you guys with me and @Shwetap35 thinking about a little Loki being cute XD If you like this, please say so! If you'd want more like this I can make an entire book with young Loki stories or add some imagines of young Loki here, just say the word and I'll see what I can do! ;D

By the way, I'm working on an imagine about Loki as 'your emo boyfriend' XD ehehhe

Thank you for reading and I hope to see soon enough!!


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