Imagine Loki hitting you (angst)

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A/N: This was written when I was like, 15. I'm 19 now and am more wokeTM than I used to be. Pls be aware that your partner hitting you is nothing to be desired, nor is it excusable. Loki simply is a complex, dark character, and the angst seeps out sometimes in my writing. It was more about writing a sad chapter to deal with my own sadness, rather than wanting Loki to hit me bc I think I 'deserve' it (nobody deserves violence). Again, this is angsty fiction and nothing to be desired. Feel free to continue at your own risk.


"Y/N! Come back!" "No Loki! I've had enough! I may be mortal, but at least I'm not lying!" "I am not lying!" 'You are!" "I'm not, Y/N!" You sighed frustrated as you ran down the stairs that led to Loki's room. You had just discovered that he had been lying to you about when he used his magic and when not. It had irretated you for weeks now that he used his magic for everything- he used it to make the romantic moments more romantic, to make you agree with him, to lock you up so you couldn't join battle with him, and even to make you shut up sometimes!

Loki grabbed your arm, and you tripped and almost fell if he didn't pull you to his chest. "Y/N please, let me explain!" "No, Loki... just.... give me a break! I need air, I need to think!" "How can I convince you it was all for the good cause?" "Well not with magic!" you spat at him. You saw it hurt him, and his eyes turned red. "For you these things are just little white lies, aren't they? You made me lose control of my own mind! I couldn't make my own decisions! I have... I thought you.... I thought you loved me!" "I do!" "Then why?" "It was all for you Y/N!"

You turned around and backed off, screaming: "I don't believe you!" "Well you should! Do you even love me?" An icy feeling formed around your heart. "Of course I love you! How can you even question that!?" "Well, I don't know! Maybe becaue you confuse me! I am the god of lies, the god of mischief! Mortals are pathetic and under my level, but yet, why have you got me under your spell? You hurt me by being close, by touching me, saying I'm not a monster, yet the whole universe says I am! You make me believe I'm worth to die for, I'm worthy of being loved, worthy of loving. But I'm not. I've become a weak fool."

A single tear rolled down your face. "How can you say that?" You manage to say, as you were trembling and shaking. You were about to break down, and now he was telling you that you are the reason he feels happy, but still damaged. You look into his now red eyes, and gather all strength left in your body as you speak loudly: "I hope you enjoy being a monster, as it suits you well and you really live to become the man you fear to be. I hope you like to be the ugly creature that parents tell their children about at night. I hope you like being unloved, unrespected and unheard. I really hope you find your dark way in life and you'll have your reputation follow you everywhere, making your soul even darker and heartless as it already is. I shall leave you now alone, oh great monster filled with lies, and I shall shatter your cold heart- if it really were there under all your armour and cold walls."

You stood there in silence, as Loki completely turned blue, rage filling his eyes, and you looked at him one last time and walked away, to the Bifrost. As you already saw the bottom of the stairs, Loki grabbed your arm, leaving scratches and bruises, and he growled and hit you.

You fell down and screamed as you hit your head a few times, and when you got to the bottom of the stairs, you started crying, and clutched your head and cheek, and saw it started bleeding. A sneering pain went through your chest, and at first you thought your heart had littlerly started bleeding, but it was a bone that broke. Loki walked down, a mad look on his face, and you muttered with a high-pitched voice: "No, no, no.... Loki... no no NO!" as you backed off against a wall, crawling over the ground, leaving blood all over the floor.

Suddenly Thor jumped in front of you, and he yelled: "Brother, let the mortal girl alone!" "Oh and since when do you care about my mortal?" "She's not yours, she belongs to herself!" "No brother, you want her for yourself!" he growled madly. "Loki, no, no no no!" you muttered.

"Brother, I cannot accept that you hit the thing you love most." "I do not love this pile of flesh and bones." "Brother! Stop this madness! You are not yourself! Look at you! You've even become your Jotun form!"

"Fine, go! Take her away from me before I kill her!" "You won't kill me! You are not the monster people think you are, but why are you acting like it now?" "I'm not acting like anything. This is the real me! And you just said yourself I was a monster, so who's lying now?" "I did not say you were a monster, I was just saying... that I don't want you to become like what they think you are. Show them the kind you. The real you. The Loki I love!" "He is gone!"

"No brother, you think he is!" "Keep out of this Thor! I'm not your brother!" "But for my heart you are." "Well then your heart is wrong. Your heart is lying" "Then what does your heart say?" "Nothing at all!" Loki said as he turned around and went upstairs.

And after that, you never saw Loki again. As much as I'd like to make a happy ending, for this imagine... it all ends bad.

You went back to earth, you healed, but your heart never did. You heared the news of Loki being in New York, and you just couldn't take it anymore. You wrote your note:

Why Loki, why?

Is it really that devastating to hear that if you fear to become the man everybody thinks you are, you are slowly becoming him?

I tried to prevent that, but instead of seeing my intentions, you shattered my heart. I hope to see you in the land of the dead, where you might be the soft and kind man you really are.

I'll see you in Helheim or Valhalla, whatever my soul deserves.

The only one who ever loved you


You cried as you placed it on your table, took a knife from the kitchen, and rammed it into your heart, and you fell to the cold, hard ground. Your last breath escaped and one last tear rolled down your face. You didn't hear the cries of a man anymore. He mourned your death as he found you quickly after you died. He held you and cried, screamed, kicked stuff around him and he kissed your cold, dead lips. He screamed your name until his throat were sore and he yelled he regretted it all, and took his own life too.

And you reunited in Hel, and talked and cried for years, hoping you were still alive to touch each other. But now you were only some shadows, ghosts in dark eternity, as whole Yggdrasil got to know your story and reminded you forever.


Heyyyy!! That was it for today, I hope you liked it! :D I'm still working on the cover, so.... thanks for reading and please comment and vote!! BYE! ~Dark_Angel_Loki

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