Imagine Having Stockholm Syndrome

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It were the dark ages, cold and grim. People believed that in these times evil spirits ruled Midgard. You didn't believe them. You didn't believe the stories of kind gods either. Good and evil were made up by men who wanted to create order in the natural chaos that was human life. Of course if you'd say those things out loud, you'd be hanged or burried alive. Maybe with 'evil spirits' humans just meant themselves.

It was just another day in the village and you were sent out into the woods to gather edible berries and other fruits. Sometimes you'd bring your bow to hunt for rabbits as well. Not today, though. You didn't expect to have any trouble finding food today.

You dressed yourself warmly and added a green cloak. You strapped some other belongings to your belt and went on your way. You sighed shortly as you closer the door of your home behind you. Into the woods and home before dark, simple enough. Yet you felt a slight dread.

The reason for this relunctance revealed itself much later, when you heard a flap of wings and a single black feather touched the ground. You looked up and saw a raven. A big, black raven with eyes that were just as black as its feathers. Its feathers looked like the raven had risen from the ashes of some hellfire, but with beauty and with grace. Its feathers weren't dirty or tainted, but looked healthy and full of life.

Yet the presence of the raven made you think of death. Ravens seemed to be the bearers of bad news, like black cats bring bad luck. In general, black was rarely the colour of something good.

The raven tilted its head slightly and it cawed hoarsely. A shiver went down your spine. The raven's eyes followed you as you turned to leave. As soon as your back was facing the raven, its wings flapped and it flew away. You would have sworn you saw its eyes on you even as it flew away.

You sighed and tried to shake off the strange encounter, but your gut told you you weren't out of the woods just yet.

About an hour of walking and anxiety forming in your stomache you heard a low growl. You froze in your tracks and turned around swiftly, searching the source of the sound. There it was. A big monstrous wolf, staring at you. Your breath got stuck in your throat as you held up your hands in defeat. The black creature huffed and came closer to you, circling you.

But wolves were rarely alone, they worked in packs, closing in on their prey. Soon your body froze entirely. It was different from before. This time, you had no control. The forest seemed to turn darker and the single light source was a tall shape of gold light coming your way.

Soon you heard it, a low, thick voice, sliding its way into your ears like the foggy ghost of some evil snake.

"You never believed those stories, did you? You always wondered about the truth between the lines and the explanation science could provide. Where is your science now?"

The shape came into focus and you could make out its features. It was a man, godly in his charms, devine in his beauty. You were clearly in awe and he could feel it. He grinned, sharp teeth showing, but they quickly morphed back so the perfect image of a handsome man wouldn't be tainted.

He was only a few feet away from you now and your mind screamed at you, trying to tell you to run away as far and as quickly as you could. But even if it weren't for the magic he had used to freeze you in your spot, you were too deeply under the spell of this handsome man to run away.

You were too curious what he'd be like or taste like. You wanted him after knowing him for a few seconds. You were scared of the power he had over you. You were scared of what would happen when you 'unfroze'.

"You would lose yourself to lust." The voice purred.

Your mind was running wild and your heart was almost beating out of its ribcage. All the sense you could make of this world slipped away. A raven flew behind the man and sat down on a huge rock. It studied you as the voice spoke up again, the slick seductive tricks evident.

"I see you've met my pets. How would you like to be one of them?" Your voice got stuck in your throat and all you could let out was a whimper.

He stood in front of you now and studied your face closely. "You'll do just fine" he said and the sickening voice left. The man was now speaking with his mouth instead of with his telepathic powers.

Suddenly he released you from his spell and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You scraped your throat and moved your mouth a couple of times, as if trying to remember how to speak. "W-who are you?" "Loki." Your eyes went wide. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. He was a god.

He took your chin in between his fingers and turned your head to the left and then to the right. It seemed like he was checking you like somebody would check a cow before buying it at the market. He nodded and hummed to himself.

He then snapped his fingers and the ground below you began to rumble. The earth split and some sort of stairs appeared. Before you knew what was happening, Loki grabbed your wrist and dragged you with him, down into the earthy palace below the surface.

That would be the last time you saw the sun. After that, everything turned dark.



I hope you guys liked it hehe😅 Please tell me what you think in the comments! I'll update another chapter soon (sooner than you might think)

Btw can you guess which Greek/Roman myth this is based off?

*crazy post-credits scene*

As you were let go of your spell and could slowly move again, you snapped your head up to Loki and said in a sassy tone: "If frozen, motionless people are your kink, go pay Captain America a visit. Or his buddy Bucky after Cap3: Civil War. Or just do both, the fangirls will go wild. And while you're at it, I'm sure Deadpool will freeze himself if you'd ask him too. Or even if you didn't ask, he'd do anything to shock audiences with his pansexuality and crazy kinks. So yeah, why'd you choose me if there is an entire Marvel universe you could be fooling around with?" Loki was quiet for a few seconds before saying: "Do you think Han Solo would go back into the carbonite for me?" And the only response he got was a facepalm.

This imagine will return for a part 2

(Vote if you liked this crazy ending😂)

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