Imagine Loki having you on a leash pt. 3

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*no smut, read the part at the end of the chapter to know why*


You woke up the next morning in an empty bed. No Loki. You were used to that, no big deal. You got up and gathered your stuff and walked towards the door of his bedroom. You placed your hand on the doorknob but halted, and turned around. You thought about taking a shirt or sweater with you to have his scent to remind you how happy he makes you whenever you feel down. You doubted a little more but then made up your mind: no need for a sweater, I'll have enough of the real deal. You smirked at the thought and left his room.

"YOU. DID. WHAT?!" "Why did I even go to you with this?! I knew you would react this way, Leila!" "YES. OF COURSE I REACT THIS WAY, YOU'RE WALKING-" "STOP FRICKING YELLING AT ME!" Leila looked at you furiously but she stopped shouting. "You're just walking into his trap again! Or rather he in yours!" "What the Helheim do you mean? We're just not bound to each other, I can go out with other men too!" "Prove it."

"What?" "Prove. It." Leila said. "Be a rebellious girl and go sleep around with other men, he won't accept. You know why? These things only work his way, he is the prince, he gets what he wants." "That's not true." "Well then prove your point, Y/N. And don't ask me for help if you're going to ignore everything I say!"

"This isn't fair to him or me, you're just angry at me because you never liked him in the first place!" "Oh gods!" She growled and made an inhuman sound. "You're such an idiot! Snap out of it!" "Leave me alone Leila, leave Loki and me alone!" "Fine, I'm glad to!"

Witb those words she stormed off, kicking a golden statue on her way. The crack her kicking formed still marks the statue today.


You sipped a glass of wine in a decent pub. There weren't many pubs where a woman could sit down and relax without drunk men raping her on the spot or beating each other a mile away from Helheim. So, pityful, painful death. Asgard, so godly, so devine, so very sophisticated.

But this wasn't Asgard's golden heart of the city, this pub was close to it, but the others described earlier are in the outskirts of the city, where gods ans heroes are nowhere to be found. Not human, not gods, nothing inbetween, just people filling the city, unimportant.

The pub where you sat was better than those foul others, and maybe even one of the best in Asgard, there weren't any pubs in the centre of the city, only big celebrations with lots of alcohol and food.

You sighed when you finished your wine, and a man next to you noticed. "Life's hard, isn't it?" "Well, it depends on the day..." "I guess that is the only accurate response, though." He finished his drink as well and looked at you shortly and then ordered two beers. He started observing you closely and continued the conversation: "So, what's on your mind, doll?" You blushed slightly at your new 'nickname'. "I don't really want to talk about it..." "Fine by me..." the man said and he drank some of the beer he was handed.

"You know, it's so complicated... I thought this man loved me, but he wants to see other girls too, and so my friend says I should get out of this all as soon as possible." You said while clugging down beer inbetween and staring at the wall. The man had to make great effort not to sigh. He placed his hand on your back and let it slide down slightly. "I get what you mean, doll... it seems like you just got to live a little." "Yeah", you said as the alcohol started to work on your body and judgement.

"You should show them you're not some puppet, doll. You should make them jealous!" "Yeah, totally!" You said as you nodded uncontrollably. "Yeah, I totally should yeah yeah." The man came closer to you as this continued for a while. He talked some more, you nodded some more and he got closer every minute, until you were leaning against his chest, and he was leading you outside.

"C'mon doll, let's live, let's feast!" "Yeah! We should totally-" You couldn't finish because the man was all over you, kissing, touching and much more you couldn't believe. You pushed him away, but he just continued like you hadn't. He moaned into your mouth and he started to annoy you, but then a voice from your memory talked in your head: "Go sleep around with other men. Prove it." You got angry at the voice and proved it, you kissed back and then there was nothing around you but plain air.

You opened your eyes and Loki was dragging the man away from you, and then started kicking him in his face. "Don't. Call. Her. Doll." "Loki, what are you doing... here?" He threw the man away into an alley and wiped away the blood from his face, as he panted from beating the man. He then turned to you.

"I came here for you." "But, Loki I thought I-" "Shut up, you're drunk." "I'm not as think as you drunk I am!" "You obviously are." "Why did you come for me? You have other girls as well!" Loki straightened his back and walked back towards you, carrying himself like a proud panther ready to attack his pray, both dangerous and seductive. "I want you." "Huh, but-" "Only you." "Is... is this a..." you giggled, drunk as you were, "bootycall?" "No. I want you." "But you said-" "Shut up and kiss me."

And kiss him you did. This wasn't the alcohol, this wasn't your love for him, this was pure passion and foolishness. Such foolishness... You kissed him for such a long time, it could have been eternity. Such fiery passion and- oh damn that son of a random unknown Yotún woman knew how to kiss! He had kissed you so many times before, but this time he brought it all, and threw it all at you. 

"You are mine, Y/N, never forget that. Mine and no man can come between that, understand?" He said, glaring into your eyes with a certain flowing light in them, a light that was as unfamiliar as his tone, his behaviour, like he had changed. Or maybe you had. 


Hey guys! 

I hoped you liked my part 3, and I think I'm going to write part 4 right away, which will (probably, if I don't chicken out) be *gasps* smut....  Some of you were really requesting smut so I'll give it a try, I mean, I know how to smut, I write it without too many problems, it's just so fucking awkward and I never really publish it or write it  about Loki  (I mostly do gay smut, about mah gay ships, which doesn't include Thor-ki because I can't ship it, my systems will override. I swear. XD lol).

So mainly: I'll try smut in part 4

Thanks for reading, please tell me what you think in the comments, vote and share this story with all your friends (vote if you haven't got many friends, just like me hehehe #maybe5), please vote for the Panic! At The Disco quote if you got it ;D

Love you lots, stay inspiring!

~Sarah, a.k.a. Dark_Angel_Loki

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