Bellatrix Lestrange

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Draco’s POV

My aunt Bella? Why is she here? She can’t go through here, she’s a death eater! “Aunt Bella, what are you doing here?” I quickly asked, while slightly blocking Annabeth from her view. Bella quickly smiled, and let out a cackling laugh. “Well well Draco? What have we here?” Bella quickly went to my side, and pushed me away from Annabeth. “Wh-Who are you?” said Annabeth, making it obvious she was scared. “I’m Bellatrix Lestrange my dear, and who might you be?” Bella said, with so much eerie in her voice. Annabeth quickly cringed; I guess she knew who she was. “Ann-Annabeth La-la-Lane?” Bella froze. Her eyes widen, as if she knew who Annabeth is. “You’re the- no, you can’t be! How could you!” Bella screamed. Suddenly, another death-eater came, and holds Bella back. “Mom, calm down, she might not be it.” She said. It was my cousin, Niamh Lestrange (Its NiamhBVBfan! Go read her story!) I got back up to my feet and shield Annabeth from both of them. “Nia, (short for Niamh) Go get her out of her! You know how Dangerous is your mother!”  Bella kept shouting at Annabeth, and Nia tried to hold her back. Annabeth was terrified, she didn’t move at all. I turned to her, and hugged her tightly, I whispered in her ear, “It will be alright, I promise.” She nodded, but I can tell from her eyes that she was still terrified. Nia couldn’t hold Bella back, and she broke free. “Draco Move!” she screamed. “No Bella!” I shouted back. Bella quickly pulled out her wand, and pointed to my chest. “NOW!” she shouted, but I refused to move. Once she realized that I wouldn’t move, she cackled. “I was hoping it didn’t have to come to this, I am so ashamed of you Draco.” Nia tried to get a grip on her mom, but Bella pushed her to the wall. “Stay there you little brat.”  She turned to me and yelled out, “Crucio!” I closed my eyes, waiting for the spell to hit me, but it didn’t. Confused, I opened my eyes, and saw Annabeth standing in front of me, and blue midst was surrounding her. Bella yelled out in pain, and was screaming for Annabeth to stop, but she wasn’t. I could tell that Bella couldn’t take it anymore, and saw her dyeing. “Annabeth stop!” I touched her shoulders, but I quickly screamed out in pain. She turned around, horrified at what she had done. The blue midst was gone, and so was the pain. I got up, and looked at my aunt. She was lying on the floor, with her eyes closed. “She isn’t dead.” Annabeth said. I tried to ask her what happened, but nothing would come out of my mouth. Annabeth used the obliviate (erases memory) spell on her. Nia appareted her mom, and came back. “Arianna?” asked Annabeth. I was confused as hell when she asked that. “What the hell, she isn’t Arianna, she is-“I was cut off by Nia. “Yes,” she responded. 

Annabeth’s POV

I looked at Arianna, confused. Draco had called her Nia. “Why did Draco call you Nia?” I asked. “Because, my real name is Nia Lestrange. My mother had made me come to this school to learn more about magic. I didn’t want anyone to find out Bellatrix is my mom. You see,” she said “I’m not like my mom, I’m not a murder, but she forced me to become a death-eater.” I stood there, stunned. “I’m sorry to hear that, but I will always count you as my friend, no wonder you don’t fit in Slytherin.” I said. She laughed, “Thanks for understanding, but please call me Niamh, or Nia for short. We will tell people that your nickname for me.” She winked and I laughed. “Ok, Niamh, I will.” Niamh turned on her heels and left. Draco was still standing there, with his mouth wide opened. He realized what he was doing, and quickly closed his mouth. He also turned on his heels, and started to walk off. “Wait, Draco!” I called out, and he turned around. He had no expression on his face. “What do you want Lane! Get away from me, don’t ever come near me!” He turned around, and walked straight to the Forbidden Forest. My eyes started to tear up, and sure enough, tears came out. I appareted myself back in my dorm, and cried. Soon enough, I cried myself to sleep.

*three months later, now December*

I still haven’t heard from Draco ever since that night I hurt him. I and the golden trio got pretty close, and soon enough, it wasn’t a trio, but a quadruplet. Me and Niamh became close to each other, and now are best friends, alongside with Hermione. The trio had accepted Niamh as a close friend, since she told them all about herself. Harry has asked me out multiple times, but I keep refusing, knowing Ginny liked him. She and I aren’t close, yet we where friends. I had become the top in my class, even surpassing Hermione! She was jealous at first, but accepted it.

Niamh, Hermione, and I wondering the halls, killing time. Until Mrs. McGonagall had came up to us. “McLane, may you please come with me to my office?” I nodded, and she appareted us to her office. I saw Draco sitting in the other chair, and I sat next to him. His eyes where fixed on mine, but he quickly turned to Mrs. McGonagall. What is happening? “I’m sure both of you are wondering why you are here. I can assure you, you’re not in trouble, and in contrast, you both had made Head Boy and Girl in this School!” She said. My jaw dropped, and so did Draco. “As you know, all heads bunk together, so your dormitiees are in the third level, the password is Unity. All your stuff is already there, you will also have no duties, only you have to make sure that the prefects are doing their job. That is all!” She clapped twice, and quickly, both Draco and I were in our common Room. We stood there, stunned. It was extremely awkward. I decided to break the silence. “SO it looks like we have to work together.” I said. “Just because we work together Lane doesn’t me we will have to communicate together, except for commanding the prefect, so don’t hope for anything.” He spat out. I was taking back by the tone of his voice. (The common room looked like this -.> except for no windows, and instead for chairs, there is couches. The color where red and green.) I explored the dorm, there was a mini kitchen station, and my room was in the right, while Draco’s is in the left. I couldn’t find the bathroom, until I saw a door in the far right of my room; I opened it, only to find out that Draco was in it too. His eyes widen, and I had a confused look in my face. I saw two showers, two toilets, two sinks, and a huge mirror. Merlin, we were going to have to share a bathroom! “I will take showers first thing in the morning, and then you would, got it?” he asked. I nodded, and went back to my room. I changed into this, my favorite Pj (yes I love Superman XD) -> I got the book twilight, and went to the common room. I sat on the couch, and started reading. Draco came in, and saw me reading, and went back into his bedroom. *3hours later* I guess I must have fallen asleep, because it was now 12:25 a.m. I started to here Draco screaming, and I quickly went to his room. He was lying on his bed, sleep talking. “No father, please don’t make me. I don’t want to be one of them, I’m nothing like you! Please!” His body was moving uncontroably, and I started to worry. He suddenly woke up, and he saw me at the edge of his bed. He looked shocked, but it quickly turned to anger. He got up and pushed me to the wall. He grabbed my hands and put them above my head. “Draco, let go of-““What did you hear?” He asked. I didn’t respond. I held my hands tight. “WHAT DID YOU HEAR!” he asked again. I shook with fear, his face inches from mine. “I- I- heard….”  

A.N./*Hey guys! thanks for reading! So, i havent been getting vote, fans, or sad ).:. Sorry i uploaded late, ive been practicing for my monolouge, i have an audition for an agent next week! AH!!!!! lol well, Spam my wall for part 8!! (: Minzi outs! -Minzi (: <3

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