Familiar Hair

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I woke up in the arms of the person I love, Draco. He was still asleep, looking as tired as ever. It pained me that he seems me in the most depressed time. I shook the thought. I gently got out of his grip, making sure not to wake him up. I went inside the bathroom. I turned on the shower, taking a quick shower. I went to my bedroom and changed into this -> http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=35038433. I went to Draco’s room, only to find him gone. I went to the common room and sat on the couch. I looked to the fireplace, and saw sparks going off.  Each spark reminds me of the pain I have. I looked at the clock above the fireplace. It was 10:56.

I decided to go to the Great Hall to eat. When I walked in, I didn’t see Draco anywhere, so I searched for Harry. I spot him in the Gryfindor table, along with Ron, Hermione. Niamh was at her mother’s for the time. I walked over there and sat next to Harry. “Hey Potter!” said Ron in a loud voice. I automatically hit his arm. “Keep it quiet Ron!” Both harry and I said at the same time. Hermione’s eyes widen. “Already acting like George and Fred already. How come I never noticed it before? You guys look sooo much alike!” I chuckled and turned to Harry. “Damn, I look that horrifying?” I said. Ron busted out laughing, while Hermione laughed while reading her book. “Ha ha, very funny! You should feel lucky!” Harry said. I rolled my eyes, serving myself breakfast.

When I finished eating, Harry was the only one there. “Where did Ron and Mione go?” I asked him. He shrugged, “Beats me, hey would you walk with me?” I nodded, and we wa

lked outside. We were just walking around the castle, when Harry broke the silence. “How does it feel, you know, when your powers come?” I was kind of taken by surprise with that question. “I don’t wish my powers on anyone. It’s the most horrible pain I have ever felt.” We walked past some pillars, when we heard some people snogging. I tried to ignore it, but suddenly a familiar bright colored head popped. I turned, and I swear my heart stopped.

I see Pansy and Draco eating each other’s faces off. Harry loudly cleared his throat, and Pansy and Draco broke apart. “Annabeth!” he said, with so much pain. I quickly felt the tears coming, and I completely froze them off. I turned to Harry, “But then again, I felt even worse pain.”

I looked back at Draco, who was running towards us. I turned around and ran as fast as I can. Once I was near the forbidden forest, I appareted away.  I landed in the room of requirements. It was like a mini common room. I went to the door and pulled out my wand and used a spell to lock the door. I went to the mini couch and laid there. I cried. How can he do that to me? After all I have been through; he decides to make my life even worse.  The things surrounding me started to shake every time a tear escaped my eye. I felt so bad! And the Yule ball was tomorrow! I heard footsteps coming close to me, and I looked up. I saw Harry. I sat straight up, and froze my tears, I quickly wiped my tears away, and I looked up to Harry. He sat down next to me. “You never told me about Malfo- err Draco.” I just shrugged. “Why?” “I know what you would have told me. ‘He is enemy, death eater, bad news.’ I should have told you, at least you would have warned me” I laid my head on Harry’s lap. I caressed my hair and face, in a brotherly way.

“Beth, I would have said so many things, all which would have been bad. But I would have most importantly said to follow your heart.” I looked up to Harry. “Look how that turned out.” “Annabeth, he loves you! Once you ran, he tried to follow you, but you just appareted away. I followed close behind him. I was about to kiss his arse and scream to him ‘What has he done’ to you when he literally dropped to his knees and cried in front of me. He told me everything, and what just happened. He told me he loves you, and that Pansy was the one who threw herself at him. But he loves YOU, LOVES YOU ANNABETH! I never have seen him this upset! Normally, I would have Avada Kedrava him, but in his eyes, I saw love. You need to go find him!” I lay there, thinking. “To fuck with him Harry. I hate him! Don’t ever mention him, EVER!” I got up and looked at him. “Annabeth, wai-.” I appareted to my room.

When I got there, I felt to arms on me. I assumed it was Draco. “Draco, let go of me you filthy bloody, ass-fuck Git!” The person who had me cackled. I knew that cackle, it was Bellatrix. She stunned me using the Petrificus Totalus spell. She appareted us to an odd looking mansion. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Annabeth Lane? I need to get you back from the last time, when you almost killed me!” She held out her wand, and muttered something. I un-froze, only to be cast the Crucio curse. I fell down on my knees, and yelled out in pain. “STOP! PLEASE STOP!” I kept screaming. The pain wasn’t as bad as my power pain, but it was close. “Know Bellatrix; don’t treat our guest like that.” Suddenly the pain stopped. I looked up to see the one and only Voldemort. “Hide her, once young Malfoy appears, then bring her out.” They took me behind a pillar. Great, what’s up with pillars today?

I heard the familiar sound of Draco’s voice. I sneaked a peek to see what was happening. Draco was being held back by two other death eaters. But he wasn’t struggling to get free. “Ahh, Malfoy, do you know why I have brought you today?” Draco scoffed. “No, I don’t want anything to do with you Lord!” Voldemort was taken aback by this. “You will treat me with respect! Now, I want you to become a death eater, just like your parents. You will be of great value!” Draco shook his head. “I will never be like the coward of my dad, and my mother was forced. I will not be a murder!” He cried out. Voldemort laughed, “Not even to save the life of young Miss Annabeth?”

Draco’s eyes widen. Bellatrix and two other death eaters brought me out, to the side of Voldemort. “Let her go!” Draco yelled. He was going for me, but the other death eaters pulled him back. “If you don’t agree of becoming on if us, she will go through excruciating pain.” Said Bellatrix. Draco snarled, “You wouldn’t Dare!” Bella cackled, “I wouldn’t?” she brought out Niamh. She looked so tortured, almost like she was about to die. “NIA!!!” I cried out. But she was already passed out. “Now, if I would do this to my DAUGHTER what makes you think I wouldn’t do it to Filthy over here?”She pointed her wand toward me, and uttered Crucio. Again, I yelled out in pain. My body hit the floor, and it was flying all over the place. I kept screaming. “STOP!” Draco yelled. And the pain stopped along with it. “You wouldn’t dare kill her.” He said. Bellatrix raised her eyebrow. She was getting closer to Draco. She was behind him, my wand still pointed at me. She was by his ear.

“Avada” “Don’t do it Draco! DON’T DON’T DON’T!” I cried out. “Kedrav-“ 

A.N/ hey guys! thanks for reading! hopes this makes up for yesterday! I got to 2,044 reads! thanks alot! and also 21 votes! im soo blessed! Keep voting liking commenting and fanning! Please leave any feedback if you want! : And if you have a twitter, follow me at @M_BTR_lol! and also follow @The_Hermione_G, shes my sister, but its her Role Playing accout, she need other RP's cuz shes new, so if you know anyone, please contact her or me! much love! Minzi outs! -Minzi (: <3

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