What are we going to do?

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I woke up, and at first I didn’t know where was I, until I felt two arms wrapped around me. Ah, I remember everything now. I looked up, and saw Draco, still asleep. I’m so happy that we can finally be together, but… What will Hermione say? Or Niamh, or Ron, or Harry? Harry! Oh God, he is going to kill Draco in first sight. I buried my face into Draco’s chest, trying to get the thoughts out of my head. Draco’s eyes fluttered open, and looked down on me. “Morning sunshine.” He said, while kissing my forehead. “Morning.” I said weakly. I guess he could hear the concern in my voice, because he broke away from our embrace. “What’s wrong?” He asked. “Nothing… no I mean… Ugch why is it so difficult!” I screamed. He had a confused look in his face. “Why is what so difficult?” I took a deep breath, and let it all out. “Wellwhatifourfriendsdontacceptusgoingout.Whatiftheygetmadatusandtheydecidetonotbecomefriendsanymore!Whatarewegoigntodo!?!?” I said, without taking a breath. Draco just stood there, and bursted out laughing. “I’m serious Draco!” I yelled. He still laughed, and I stomped out of the room. I went inside my dorm, and I got my things ready in my bag. I didn’t care if Draco said he will shower first, I decided to take one for myself. I opened the door to the bathroom, and stripped out of my clothes. I turned on the water, letting the water hit me. I took a short shower and got out. I changed into this ->http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=34030773 I went to my room, trying to find my wand, but I couldn’t find my wand, so I went to the common room to find it. That git! I’m trying to face reality, and all he does is laugh in my face?!? I was fuming, looking for my wand all over the room. “Ah! Where is my bloody wand?” I screamed out loud. I felt my face start to burn, no, it can’t happen right now! I felt pain inside my head, and I let out a loud scream. I fell in my knees, it hurt so badly! I can’t control my powers, especially my mind controlling power. That power only shows up on its own, and its excruciating pain along with it. I couldn’t stop screaming,I held my head, desperately trying to ease the pain, but it only made it worse. The pain feels like fire is all over my body, while millions of knives where cutting up my head. I felt the hot tears forming in my eyes. I felt to strong hands carry me to the couch.I couldn’t see who it was, the tears in my eyes didn’t let me see. I felt the person sit on the couch, and put me in their lap. I smelled the familiar scent of mint and chocolate, it was Draco. I dug my head into his chest, begging the pain to go away, but nothing help. I kept screaming and screaming.  Draco was comforting me, caressing my hair and face while rocking me. He kissed my forehead, and only then my pain was easing. My screams turned into moan, then turned into whimpers, that turned into sobs, and I quiet down. Draco was still rocking me, and I heard a voice. “What is happening to her? I hope she is ok.” It was Draco’s thoughts. I tried so hard not to read his mind, but I cant control it.  I scanned through his brain, and saw many of his memories. I hit a wall, a secret he is keeping. I tried to surpass it, but the wall was to firm. I was brought back to reality, and Draco was creasin  g my face. “Are you ok?” he asked. I nodded my head. “What happened?” “Umm… I-I “ I couldn’t tell him, so I decided to show him. Another power of mine is to show people what I want them to see. I laid my hand over his head and showed him everything. I showed him a memory I have. *Six years old Annabeth:”Mommy mommy, why do I have these magical powers” I asked. “Because your really special, one day, you will learn why.” “But mommy, it hurts! Please make it stop!” I told her. But she just stood there.*  After the flashback ended, I saw Draco’s eyes widen. His face turned pale, as he tried to speak. His mouth opened, but nothing came out. “Are you afraid of me?” I asked. My parents never came close to me, as if they were afraid. I expected Draco to do the same, but he only held me tighter. “Annabeth, your not alone, your not the only one with these powers. Another person has it, and im sure you don’t want to know who it is.” He said in a whisper. The sound of his voice sent shiver up my spine. “Who is it.” I whispered back. “Its…” A.N./ Haha Cliffhanger! Sorry I have to do these things to you guys, it will only keep you guys reading my story! Sorry its short, I was rushing to do this! Well, I promise I will upload soon! Thanks for reading, love you guys! Fan, comment, vote? plz? Minzi outs! –Minzi (: <3

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