Chapter 9 (Trigger Warning)

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A/N: I don't know why but this chapter is one of my favorites. Trigger Warning for the same reason as the previous chapter with suicide triggers.


Riley's POV

"What happened?" Max asks.

"Get my dad's keys. We need to go. Now."


"I think Emily's gonna try to kill herself. "


"Get your shoes on." I say, walking out.

"Wait. Riley, wait!" Max whisper-yells as we go into the living room.

"No, I can't wait!" I whisper-yell, "I'm going to help her. I'll drive. Are you coming or not?"

"You don't even have a license!"

"I have a learner's permit! Now are you coming with me or not?"

Max pauses, then sighs, "Okay, I'm coming."


Max is sitting next to me, obviously nervous.

"Are you sure I can trust you with a car? 'Cause the second time your dad took you out to drive, he wore a helmet."

"They wouldn't have given me a permit if I couldn't handle it."

"Who's 'they'?"

"I don't know! The BMV people!" I say, "Relax, Max, we'll be back before my parents even know we're gone."

"Do you know where Emily lives?,

"Yeah, she lives a couple blocks from the church her dad preaches at."

"What are we even supposed to do? Just waltz in and say to her parents 'Oh, we're sorry to bother you 'cause we know you hate us, but we think your daughter is going to commit suicide'?!

"I don't know! I just wanna make sure she's okay." I say as I drive into Emily's neighborhood, "Where do you think she is?"

"I'm gonna guess her house."

"No, when she called me it sounded windy; like she was outside."

"Well then what are we doing here?!" Max exclaims, "Riley, I wanna help Emily just as much as you do but how are we supposed to find her?!"

"She couldn't have gone far!"

Max suddenly gasps, "Stop!"

I slam on the breaks, which jolts Max and me forward suddenly.


"Look!" Max says, pointing.

I look and see that Max is pointing to an apartment building just outside the neighborhood. It looked like someone was standing on the roof of the building; a good thirty or forty feet high.

"Let's go." I say before driving off.

We pull up to the building and I park. I get out of the car and Max follows. I quickly pull out my phone and dial Emily's number. Much to my relief, she answers.

"What, Riley?"

"Emily, look down."

We see the person on top of the building look down at us.

Records Later, Still Confined (Sequel to BTC)Where stories live. Discover now