New Friend, New Relationships

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Beatz POV

I walked into the mall, my beatz by Dre blasting Speedom by Tech N9ne into my ears. My neon rainbow beanie covered the back of my black hair. My green and black jacket flapped as the warming fans blew hot air around me. Ah, middle of October and already it was warm in the stores.

I dance-walked over to the nearest Gap, looking for new jeans. The cashier waved to me, as I was a regular. I wandered past the oddities of mannequins and shirts, glancing at a few. Jeans came up quick, myself stopping at the darker skinny jean section. I searched through the hung up pairs, picking out a few and going to check out.

I slung my headphones over my neck, the music clearly heard through the speakers.

"Two more pairs of jeans, Thomas?" the girl asked, pushing back a lock of blood red hair.

"Yeah. Thanks." I replied, taking out a fifty.

She totaled it up, "Alright, 34.76" she said. I handed over the fifty.

"You can keep the change, hon." I replied, smiling and taking the bag of jeans. I left, slinging the bag over my shoulder and placing my headphones back over my ears that stuck out from underneath my beanie. She smiled at me and placed the fifty in the drawer.

I walked out of Gap and down to the food court. I then unshouldered my bag of jeans and a neon green Nike bag. I stuffed the jeans into the other bag and slung it back over my shoulders. Now for a quick visit to my good friends at Apple. I jogged over to the escalators, going back up a floor. The white Apple logo shouted at me, here we are! I smiled and danced on over.

The manager, Duncan, spotted me walking in. "Well, if it isn't the master of music himself. Here for another iPod, are you?" he asked.

"Nah, Duncan." I dug a purple iPod 4 out of my jean pocket, the screen spider cracked.

"Woah..." he gasped, the cashier gasping as well. "What happened to it?" he asked, gingerly taking it.

I grinned in embarrassment, "I kinda stepped on it after it fell out of my pocket."

He gave me a look through his reading glasses, "You were dancing again, weren't you?" he asked.

I slouched my shoulders, "I had to wear out my old headphones before I could use new ones and they had a connector cord..." I spat out.

He nodded, "That's why Bluetooth is an amazing thing."

"Yes. Yes it is." I agreed.

He gave a smile and started for the back, "It'll be a few days before I can get this fixed. But, it'll be fine." he said.

"Thanks, Duncan. I can always count on you." He nodded and I left, bashing into a girl and landing on my butt.

"Ow..." she'd dropped her bags of clothes, also landing on her rear. I quickly stood and gathered all of her spilled-over bags.

She looked up at me with a shocked expression, her face turning red. I smiled, her three clothing bags slung over my arms. She tucked away a large lock of h/c hair and took my outstretched hand. I took her to her feet.


"Thomas." I smiled, handing her a bag. "You can call me Beatz." I indicated my headphones, which had fallen to my neck.

"Y/n" she said, she was kinda cute. Wearing torn up blue jeans, a f/c shirt and fuzzy sf/c jacket.

"Nice to meet you. Willing to share some nachos?" I asked, she nodded with a smile.


Your POV

You had just gotten done shopping at Hot Topic when a sudden jolt onto your rear shook you. It was a boy about your age, wearing some really vibrant, easy-to-see clothes and a set of Beatz headphones. He was much kinder than most people here, as most cashiers were the nicest you could meet.

He'd gathered everything up and was standing a few feet away respectfully, holding out his hand. You'd taken it, him pulling you to your feet easily. He seemed scrawny underneath that jacket and skinny jeans, and you told yourself he wasn't cute but he was. He made your face blush bright red and your heart race a little. Yet, he looked emo in a way, but you didn't see any scars on his arms as his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.

"Willing to share some nachos?" he'd asked, yourself agreeing.

It was nice of him to buy you lunch, but he wasn't hinting at anything, was he? You shrugged mentally, Beatz appearing with regular cheese nachos for both of you.

"So," he asked, taking a bite, "Why you changing your wardrobe?" he asked.

"Huh? How'd you know?" you asked, cracking a chip in half in your mouth.

He smiled, "Oh come on. I'm more into fashion than most girls. You've got enough clothes there for a whole new wardrobe." he finished, taking another chip.

You swallowed, "Yeah, so? I have my reasons."

"What are they? Stress? Bullies?" he swallowed, your ears catching some lyrics of his music.

You shrugged, "Old boyfriend. Stress mostly." you admitted.

Beatz nodded, taking a sip of his reusable water bottle with a 3-D skull printed on it. He understood completely.

"I've had girls dump me before, or me dump them. Some screwed other guys, others just left me for someone better." he said.

You nodded, getting deep into a conversation until your phone vibrated. It was Adam.

"I need to take this." Beatz nodded and let you, you slid the button to Answer.

A loud, irritated and slightly worried voice screamed at you from behind the speaker, "Where are you, y/n!? You've been gone for over five hours!" Adam's voice made you halfway deaf.

"S-Sorry, Adam. I met a guy named Beatz. We got talking and I didn't keep track of time. I'm at the mall still." You explained.

Adam sighed, "Next time text me, okay? Be home soon."

"Alright. Bye." and the other end went dead. You turned to Beatz, "I need to go. Sorry, dood."

He waved it away, "No worries. We can meet up some other time, alright?" He handed you over your bags.

"Alright. It was nice meeting you." you grasped the bags in each hand, leaving.

"Pleasure's mine, y/n." then he waved, stood himself, and left out the other side of the mall. Why was he stuck in your mind? He was so adorably cute, but what about Hero? No, Hero made a mistake that couldn't be forgiven. Beatz has his place in your mind now. And there's nothing He can do to make you think otherwise.

No Pain, No Mercy | Herobrine X Reader Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now