Girl Problems and Blood

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Your POV

I groaned, Adam poking in his head to check up on me.

"Is it really that bad?" he asked, bringing in a small pint of double chocolate ice cream.

"Yeeees... ask Alesa... She understands." I faceplanted the fuzzy body pillow I was hugging, my lower gut tight and painful.

He set the ice cream and a spoon on the bed side desk, sitting beside me. He sighed and turned on a heating pad, handing it over. I snatched it slowly, placing it where it hurts the most.

"Hope it feels better by tomorrow." he said, taking out a bottle of asprin and setting it beside the ice cream. Then he left, myself not daring to move until the heat kicked in. I let out another groan, hugging the pillow tighter.

Today was not my day...


Mitch POV

Y/n didn't feel well, I knew why. Mother Nature had a tendency to be agonizingly painful to women. With mood swings, cramps, and Satan's waterfall, it was quite the combination. I felt sorry for her, but there wasn't really anything I could do... I couldn't go near her.

It wasn't that she scared me, but I was much like Herobrine. In other words, the only real thing that scared me was the full moon. So yes, I didn't want to get maimed by an angry Herobrine wolf. But, I did end up getting her a pint of her favorite ice cream and a fuzzy body pillow.

From Adam's word, she enjoyed the thought.

As of now, I was sitting at my desk pondering who exactly to shoot in a round of Hunger Games. Jerome wasn't on, so I was playing solo. There's three guys left alive, two of which stood below me. I was hidden from view. I pulled back the enchanted bow I'd found and aimed, taking my time. One... two... thr-

"Whatcha doing, Mitch??" Adam popped up behind me, making my mouse slip and my aim go way off, the arrow firing off into the distance. It gave away my position.

I whipped around, "ADAM!" turning back to the game, starting up a sprint.

He laughed and left the room. Now to deal with those two players...


Hero POV

I wiped my mouth of blood, a red streak appearing across the back of my hand. Who was he to insult me? I hadn't gotten slow, or have I? I shook my head, walking off back towards y/n's house that she built. The rain kept pouring, washing away most of the blood left on me. But the wounds had healed. The only one that hadn't was the gash across my chest from Entity's dagger. That thing was made from obsidian, and it broke off into small fragments when used. Since my wounds don't heal when there's something inside them, I had to dig out those fragments. And it had to be soon.

I opened the front door, dragging my feet inside. I pulled my shirt over my head and slung it over my shoulder. What water was left drained down from my hair and into the gash, running further down now colored red. It didn't hurt all that bad, but I still felt small jolts of pain if I moved right.

Gritting my teeth, I sat near the fire. I swallowed, taking out a diamond dagger from my jean pocket. I unsheathed it and set it in the coals. I looked at the gash, a few black slivers shining in the fire light. Two... three... five... I counted, flipping over the dagger. The count ended with six slivers. Good gods this was going to hurt.

I took out the dagger, placing my shirt between my teeth. With the point of the blade, I sunk it underneath the first sliver, biting down on the cloth. With careful maneuvers, I finally dug it out and tossed it into the flames. I took a breath, going for the others.


Within ten minutes of agony, I'd dug out all six slivers. I re-sheathed the dagger, cleaning it off with the end of my shirt. I spat out the fabric, taking a few shaky breaths before hearing the front door open. I turned my head, seeing y/n's Minecraft skin walk in. I smiled, the wound closing.

"Hero... what happened?" she typed in the chat box.

I shrugged, I didn't want her to know yet.

No Pain, No Mercy | Herobrine X Reader Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now