Old Enemies

688 28 14

Hero POV

I sighed, this was NOT what I wanted to be doing for the next few days... Being who I am-er- what I am, periods are not the best place for me to be at random times. I lay on the ground in the middle of the woods, back in y/n's computer. It was nice here, and everything was back where it was supposed to be.

Sunlight cast shifting shadows through the ever-moving leaves above me, a natural, dazzling array of greens and whites shuffling on the canvas of the ground. I smiled, everything was so peaceful now. I watched the leaves, a few squirrels playing on the ground beside me. Song birds perched above, singing their mid-afternoon songs. So peaceful, so tiring. I yawned, crossing my arms behind my head.

I closed my eyes, soon falling asleep.


Hours later, I woke to the sound of thunder. My eyes snapped open, the sky dark with venomous clouds swirling in whirlpools of wind. I stood, attempting to teleport somewhere else. However, I stood there, unmoved.

"What the-?" then someone grabbed my shoulder, whipped me around, and sucker punched my jaw. I stumbled back a few feet, holding my jaw with one hand. "What the FUCK, man??" I asked in rage, looking up at him. I stopped, staring at the figure in front of me. His red eyes piercing my own. "Entity..." I growled, standing full.

He smiled, "Miss me, Herobrine?"

"Not at all, Entity. Why the fuck did you punch me?" I asked, cracking my jaw back into place.

He shrugged, "I can't say 'hello'?"

I narrowed my eyes, the rain starting to drop, "You're an asshole." I darted forward, swinging at him. He caught my hand, twisting it around behind my back and pushing it upward. "GYAHHH!" I let out a cry of pain, my shoulder dislocating.

He released me, standing in front of me, "You've gotten slow, Hero. What's happened?" he grinned, his eyes speaking malice.

I didn't answer, gritting my teeth as my other arm held my injured one.

"It's a girl, isn't it? It'd be a shame if she were to, oh, I don't know- perish." he laughed a bit.

"You wouldn't-"

"I WOULD, HERO. You know how I am." He formed a red fireball in his right hand, an image of y/n eating icecream appearing in the flames. "I would easily kill her just as I did to your last lover."

With a serge of anger, I grabbed him by his throat and pinned him against a tree, "You touch her, I'll hunt you down and cut off your head..."

He just smiled, "Catch me, first." then he disappeared into a black smoke. I glanced around, my anger rising to the point of boiling over. I clenched my fists and let out a roaring scream to the skies, thunder crashing a few times before I stop. Oh, I'm SO going to kill him... 

No Pain, No Mercy | Herobrine X Reader Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now