Wither Problems

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Hero POV

A flurry of furious knocks cam pounding on my door. I ground my teeth, this isn't what I needed now. I shouted at the pigmen whom guarded the door, commanding them to slaughter whoever stood on the other side. They wrenched the door open as I turned to face the knocker. It was Notch.

"Hold it." I commanded, the pigmen returning to their silent, straight-backed posts. "What are you doing here?" I asked, raising my diamond sword to point at him.

He huffed, "I came to ask you what in the name of the Nether you did to the world code!" he fumed, glaring at me with fire in his eyes.

"What did I do??" I took three pounding steps toward him so I was in his face, "I did NOTHING, brother! All I've done was look out for y/n!" I stood taller than him, glaring down.

"And do you see what's happened to her? She's with Adam. Both of which are utterly confused as to why they're here in Minecraftia!" he snapped back, his brown eyes turning blue with rage.

I backed off, still glaring at him. I straightened my shoulders, "Then what happened?" I lowered my sword so the tip almost scraped the floor.

"That's what I've tried to figure out. There's a very powerful hacker here now. And they aren't leaving..."

I grimaced, I hated that word. 'Hacker'; the very word made my anger boil and break. Hackers were the worst thing to ever exist, especially if they managed to merge both Earth and Minecraftia like this. I sheathed my sword before I began swinging it at my guards. Instead, I balled up my fists and dug my nails into my palms. This was infuriating, and Notch noticed.

"Herobrine, calm yourself, will you? There's nothing we can do at the moment. I need to gather the Admins..." Notch rambled on, his words deaf to me. Rage made me into a steel wall; molten and boiling over with anger and strength.

"Herobrine!" he snapped at me, making me come back to reality.

"What?" I grit my teeth together, my jaw tight.

He sighed, "You go find y/n. Keep her safe until I find the Admins, alright?"

I nodded, it was only logical for me to find her now. I turned and snatched up my armor, boots, and scythe. When I started to walk out, Notch stopped me again.


"Hm?" I turned a little.

"Don't kill anyone, alright?" he cracked a grin.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Yes, Mother." I chuckled, taking off.

Now to find y/n without teleporting...


I leapt through the portal and out into the streets of mid-town Seattle. Great, I needed to move fast. I darted off into one direction, the city crumbling before me. I knew almost instantly; the Wither. Damn thing must've escaped from its cage in the Nether. Great, another thing to slow me down.

Screams erupted from a building, the windows exploding into shimmering crystals of glass as fire and smoke came belching from below. I ran towards it, the Wither appearing from inside a wall of fire. The skull like heads grinned at me, belching out balls of black fire. I dodged them easily, but my bulk crashed into a support beam.

Pain exploded through my shoulder and down my arm, my teeth grinding together. Forgot about that; real world equals feeling pain. The Wither tackled me, dragging me to the basement level. The first level was a car garage, the larger area more navigable for me. I slashed at the creature with my sword, allowing a good ten feet to be between us.

"Come on, Wither. Show me what you've got!" I taunted, bashing my sword against the ground.

It roared an ungodly noise, charging forward straight at me. With one quick move, I dodge the attack and stabbed the Wither through and through with my sword. It screeched, black blood pouring from the wound. I twisted the blade, a satisfying snap of bone as the creature's spine snapped in two. It fell limp onto the slick concrete.

I retrieved my sword and nodded, turning away to leave. My foot, however, had different plans as it slipped on a pool of blood and sent me flopping onto my back.

I let out a pained gasp, the wind knocked out of me instantly. For a second or two, my collapsed lungs regained their shape, pain consuming me. I rolled to my side, gasping for air that I couldn't take in. I held myself up with my arms, kneeling down on my knees. With one last gasp for air, my lungs regained their full shape, making me squeak a bit. I coughed, slowly making my way to my feet.

Since that escapade was over, time to find y/n.

No Pain, No Mercy | Herobrine X Reader Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now