Something Old...

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Hero POV

(Three weeks after y/n met Beatz)

Records of the detailed attacks lay scattered across my room, pinned everywhere from the lowest portion of wall to the ceiling. Something was wrong with me, I just knew it. What was it? My coding was all up-to-date, yet I kept having episodes of murder... No, just glitchings, not murder. It was never permanent death... was it? I looked through each and every manila folder in a frantic search for answers. Everything clicked, but all in the wrong slots. Everything was right and wrong at the same time. Why?

I snatched up another picture from last week; it was a bloody mess, as if someone smeared the bodies across the photo paper. I grimaced, swallowing the lump that had adorned itself in my throat. It didn't go down, however. I pinned the picture back with the others, my mind racing faster and faster as I processed it all. It was too much for me. I was too far into my own grave.

"It's not too late, Herobrine." I heard a voice all-too-familiar behind me. It was Mitchell.

I set my hands on the nearest table, also cluttered with papers and folders. He knew I was frustrated, so he kept his distance. I let out a sigh, the knowledge of needed help being pushed far back into the darker recesses of my mind. I heard his feet shuffle.

"Why do you torture yourself with this useless information?" he asked, and he knew the answer. I, however, had no idea on how to grasp the dark truth.

"What do you want?" I asked, dodging the dangling question. It hung in my mind like an invisible cloud.

He shrugged, making me turn my head. To my surprise, he wore his normal clothes. He didn't adorn any sort of armor, or not any that I could see. His jacket was open as usual, the legendary Betty axe at his hip in a leather loop on his belt. I glanced him up and down, wondering what he was planning.

"I only wish to see you in peace, Herobrine." he said, setting down the axe beside a Crafting bench.

"I've told you before, call me Brian." I turned toward him fully, standing up.

"I know." he replied. That was all too quick. I sensed a slight plan that had appeared in his mind. He wasn't here to kill me, he was here to talk.

"What's the searing topic now, Mitchell?" I asked, leaning back on the table behind me.

"It's about y/n." he answered. I ground my teeth a little, my jawline tightening. Mitch noticed, raising his hands in defense. I relaxed a little, my teeth still tight together. "Trust me, it's nothing that'll hurt her, but maybe you."

"Go on." I had a questioning tone.

"She's found another guy-"

"Who is he?" I interrupted, my frustration almost at the point of rage. He stopped me.

"I won't tell you his name, because your anger will get in the way of reason." he explained. I rolled my eyes, "Now, hear me out..."

For two agonizing hours, I listened to Mitch's explanation of this new guy. I relaxed a little, too. He sounded like the perfect guy for y/n, yet my jealousy kept sparking. Y/n was mine, we both knew that. So why would she betray me for another man? The thought of her with another made me almost boil over. Again, Mitchell stopped me.

"However, she's still with you." he said, picking at the seam stitch on his hood. "So there's nothing for anger to stir up for."

"Hmph." I crossed my arms, "As if."

He gave me a death glare that I knew to obey. "She's still yours. She's just in a rebellious mood." he added, his tone suddenly serious. Anyone who knew the Hughes knew not to get on their bad side. I backed off the subject.

I nodded, closing the topic. He nodded too, "Good, now go ahead and burn all this." he motioned to the hanging papers and folders. "You won't need them." he snatched up Betty and walked out, seemingly pissed.

I glanced around, now what to do with all this? I gave a sigh and started to gather everything up into a few piles. There was so much here. So much evidence and clues gathered, it seemed like years worth. But, it was only a few weeks. All of it scared me; I was dangerous, and the Minecraftia world knew it, too.

No Pain, No Mercy | Herobrine X Reader Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now