Unforeseen Disaster

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"Why is it so HOT HERE??" You groaned, practically dragging your feet behind you. Ian seemed fine, as if he didn't even feel the intense heat wafting up from the ocean of lava below. The air was so dry, yourself quickly dehydrated. You'd already gone through the portal and half-way to the Fortress, but it seemed hundreds of miles away.

"We're here, y/n." He said, disappearing into a pitch black corridor.

"I-Ian, WAIT!" you ran after him, finding yourself in a large entry way. "Woah, holy shit..."

He grabbed your arm, "Stay close, will you? Don't need you lost here." then he continued forward, dragging you along.

When he released you, he kept walking. Down, up, around, dead end, turn around, up again, and finally you groaned.

"Iaaaaaaan. Where are we-" you looked around, Ian no where to be found. "Ian." you called his name. No answer, "IAN?? IAN WHERE ARE YOU?!" you sprinted down the long hallway, glancing between pillars and monsters for him. "IAAAAAN!" you screamed his name, the hallways suddenly opening up to a gigantic room.

You stopped, you knew this place. Why was it so familiar??

"Y...Y/n....??" A weak voice called, it was Ian.

"Ian?? IAN where are you??"

"YoU wOn'T fInD hIm, Y/n..." a new voice spoke from the darkness.

You glanced around, trying to find the source. A multi-toned, demonic laugh rang out, echoing off the walls.

"Where are you?? SHOW YOURSELF!" you clenched your fists, gritting your teeth together. Who ever this guy was, he was really getting on your nerves. He'd already hurt your friend, who else was he responsible for?

A black cloud formed across the room, swirling and compacting until in its place stood the unthinkable; Hero. He looked so different; blood stained his shirt and jeans, his hair's no longer slicked back but messed up, and his eyes... His eyes glew with a brightness that read hunger for death and blood shed. Hero was no longer the man you loved, he had turned into a monster.

He laughed, "GlAd YoU nOtIcEd, Y/n." a smile spread across his face, his teeth sharpened daggers. "ToO bAd I hAvE tO kIlL yOu..." he shrugged, forming a diamond scythe as he extended his arm outwards.

You stood your ground, tears forming in your eyes, "How could you do this?"

He only smiled more, "I hAvE mY rEaSoNs..." Then he ran toward you, swinging his scythe at your head. You closed your eyes, Hero was gone, you had no reason to move. The blade hit, shattering.

"WhAt ThE-!?" you opened your eyes, Hero stepping back with a surprised look on his face. "WhAt DiD yOu Do To My ScYtHe!?" He roared.

You just looked at him, then the pieces on the floor. You had no idea. He snarled, forming a fireball and blasting it towards you. It bounced off as if you had a shield up. Hero growled again, suddenly getting drug backwards by his ankle.

"Y/n! Run!" Seto called from the back of the room where Hero had once stood.

But you couldn't. You had no sense of control. Someone else was driving your brain and it sure wasn't you. You felt alive, as if all the energy from the Nether was coursing through you. With one look up at Hero, everything blacked out...


A/N Sorry for the short chapter... But, I wonder what happened to Hero??? What happened to you? Ian? Where is everyone else?? Find out in the next part!


No Pain, No Mercy | Herobrine X Reader Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now