Chp. 7: Sort of a Sweet Nothing.

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Chapter 7:

Sort of A Sweet Nothing.


Ally's POV:

I was walking into Trish's house.

It was just like I remembered it. There was this delicious waft of rice and Hispanic spices all throught the air. The modern, yet old timey furniture decorating the house, every peice accenting the other perfectly.

We first walked into this little hallway where they put their coats and shoes and things. 'No mud tracks on the floor!' Her mom used to say.

I haven't been over all that much, lately. Since Trish and I always see each other at the mall and at school. There wasn't really any need for me to visit their home.

As Trish was leading me up the stairs, I got another text. From Meredith.

She kept on trying to contact me. So i would decline all of her calls. And I deleted her messages. My dad would be back in three weeks. I would tell him then. This was not a discussion that you should have over the phone, it needed to be face to face.

So I would wait.

. . .

I had just finished settling into my room. Trish had already asked her parents if I could stay earlier, and they granted permission. Although when they asked why...Trish just said I had had some issues at home recently. Mr. And Mrs' DeLaRosa were very nice and understanding. They didn't question further. Knowing tht I was a trustable person and have been theirs daughters best friend And good influence for many years.

As I was thinking, my phone rang again. It was Meredith. I let it go to voicemail. But she had called so many times, so I decided to listen to one of her voicemails, seeing as it was really annoying that she kept calling. I sat down on the bed, and pressed play, just as her nasally voice started fillin the air.

"I just wanted to let you know that since your being so ignorant and selfish by not answering the phone and running away, I decided to be selfish too. I'm going on a cruise for the remaining time of your fathers trip. Don't bother I call because I won't pick up, and I will ignore you too. This is the last time I am contacting you." Then she hung up. No sorry or anything.

But that wasn't relevant as her words started to sink in ( not the mean ones), I almost yelled in joy!

Meredith. Gone. Three whole weeks.

It was such a relief that She would take herself away for while. Its winter break, so I can finally have some relaxing, down-time. And I could just focus on the Sonic Boom, and Austin and I's career.


We had a meeting today, since we rescheduled when he couldn't focus.

I decided that I should probably go.


"Yea! What, Ally?"

"I forgot that me and Austin have to write a song today, I'm going to go okay?"

"Yea. That's fine." She yelled up the stairs.

"Also...can you come up here for a second?"

"Ok. Hold on."

I heard her footsteps coming up the stairs. I was upstairs were hers and all the other bedrooms were.

"Is everything ok Ally?" She asked, coming into the room.

Yea. It's just...Meredith called and-

"What?! You should not be talking to her!"

"Calm down! It wasn't like that. She called, but I let it go to voicemail. And I listened to that voicemail...and she said that she's going on a vacation until my Dad gets back! Isn't that great?!"

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