Chp.16: Takeoffs & Landings

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Chapter 16: Takeoffs & Landings.


Ally's POV:

I was so tired.

I could barely keep my eyes open as I grabbed my carry-on and started walking toward the plane entrance, ticket in hand.

I was keeping up a conversation with Liam, though. He was a nice guy. I feel we related the most out of the rest of One Direction, simply because we both were kind of serious about what we do. Yet we still had a funny, sweet side. He was asking me about my family. We were currently playing a sort of twenty questions kind of game.

"Well, my father is named Lester. And I miss him a lot right now." I trailed off. I didn't really have anyone else to talk about. I didn't want to get emotional about my mother or Meredith right now. That wouldn't be a very good impression.

He looked confused.

"What about your Mum? Do you have any other family?" He asked, his head slightly tilted with one eyebrow quirked.

I guess he saw the pain that I was feeling in my eyes because he then spoke quickly.

"You know, never mind. You can tell me when your ready, or if you want too. Just know that I'm here for you all right, love?" He said with a genuine, caring smile on his face.

That made my heart melt. That was very kind of him. I nodded in response, I didn't really trust my voice right now.

The lady took our tickets and scanned them. As I walked into the plane I looked down at my ticket, too check for my seat number. I was seated at 2B. There were two seats per row in first class, due to the fact that they very large and comfortable. So I put my carry-on and other things down and buckled myself in. I picked my novel up and began reading, sticking one earbud in, leaving the other out in case anyone said something important.

As the chorus to Adele's 'Sky Fall' came on, I felt someone sit in the seat next to me.

I looked over and saw Liam! I was glad to be sitting next to him. I haven't really talked to any of the other boys, and things with Austin weren't exactly cleared up. He was grinning widely at me.

"Looks like we are seated next to each other." He said.

"It seems to be that way." I chuckled.

I was lowering the volume on my song so I could hear him a bit better.

"What book are you reading?" He asked politely.

" me a nerd, but Im re-reading Lord of the Rings again." I stated shyly.

Now don't get me wrong, I love Lord of the Rings. I love books. I have a lot of hobbies and habits that I love. But sometimes... well, all the time, I have these insecurities flying around in my head. Telling me all the cons about something. Never even thinking about the pros. I know that might not make sense. So let me lay it all down in one sentence. I'm insecure. Very.

"I wouldn't call you a nerd! I actually like those books." He said.

I relaxed all of the tenseness and negative thoughts inside of me. I knew now that he wasn't the type to judge. He was extremely understanding, in fact. That's why I like talking to him.

I turned off my phone as the sing started coming to an end. I didn't want to be rude or inconsiderate while talking to Liam.

"But...if you want, we could watch Toy Story on my IPad." He said timidly, as if he was wary about my response. Almost like the sentence I had said before.

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