Chapter 4: Bipolar or Something!

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Chapter 4 : Bipolar or Something!


Ally's POV:

I remember my real mother.

Not many people know this, but my mother died when I was little. Well, I wasn't really that little, but I was at an age were I could still remember her face. And the sweet smell of cherry blossoms that she would carry around with her. How she would stroke my face looking at me with adoration. She would sing to me too.

• • •.

"In my daughters eyes.

I am a hero.

In my daughters eyes

I can see the innocence.

She grabs hold of my hand

Little fingers, entwining with mine.

Hope to never let go, let go. "

• • •

I remember fighting to keep my eyes open while she was singing, it was smooth and soothing, I wonder of that's were I learned to like singing from.... she would then kiss my cheek and run her fingers through my hair, as it was longer back then. I was usually asleep by then, and she would leave the room.

My mother died when I was 7 years old. I can't tell you all that much about it. I can tell you that she was killed in a car accident, by someone who was driving under the influence.

Most people would be enraged and angry. But I'm 16 years old and I have spent nearly all the time in between grieving and crying and being mad. I have thought it was my fault at one time. I then thought that I could've prevented it. I then tried to research some ways to bring people back from the dead. It was a really rough time for me. Some people even had the audacity to tell me to "get over it"! Some of those people were my 'friends'! Well, not anymore. That was NOT tolerable for me.

No one knows your situation. They can't comment. They don't have a right too. The only person who I will probably ever take advice from is my dad. Or more like was my Dad. It seems like he's moved on, or is trying to forget about Mom. I'm not saying that grieving everyday day is the answer...but forgetting her completely and never talking about her for the past 10 years...

• • •

*Back To Present Time*

Meredith was looking at me, you could see some regret in her eyes. She's called me bad things, fired insults at me, and made me cry....

But never before has she physically hurt me.

So I did the only thing my mind even thought of processing.

I pushed past Meredith, and ran straight out of Sonic Boom.

The tears were brimming at my eyes before. But now? They were flowing, full-fledged and freely down my cheeks.

I didn't really know where I was planning to go. All I knew was that I had to get out of there. My tears were making salty trails down my cheeks. My eyes felt red and puffy. And I felt just plain awful.

I went to the fountain. It's near the back entrance of the mall. It wasn't that busy, considering it was one of the most back parts of the mall. And it was Sunday.

The air outside was very humid. And the sky was looking cloudy, as it had recently rained. The sun was shining through the clouds in the corner of the sky. It was that kind of weather that made you want to sit inside in front of the TV in some tank top and short-shorts. But at the same time, it also made me want bundle up in some sweats and cozy slippers. Which is one of the bad parts of living in Miami, Florida. This weather just added to my bad mood.

I decided not to go back to Sonic Boom until at least when the mall closes. I wouldn't be able to handle it if I went back any sooner.

I didn't really decide exactly where to go in the mall.

So I just got up and started wandering around. But I stopped at the nearest bathroom first to wash my face. As I was walking, I started thinking. How could she do that to me? What have I ever done to deserve this? Does she understand any of the mental or, now, physical pain she's caused me?! I don't even know anymore! How am I supposed to act when my father gets back? I know that after this, nothing will go back to normal. I can tell you that much.

Most would say that a little slap was nothing. But the fact that Meredith is not even my Mother...

My thoughts were driving me insane as I came up in front of Peters Sports Arena Cafe.

I had to tell someone. And, well, the only person that immedeatly thought of, was Trish.

This would come as a shock to her, since she doesn't know most of the things that Meredith even says to me. So...this would mean I would have to tell Trish everything.

Would she be mad at me for not telling her? I hope not. But I also don't want her pity either. I can't stand that look that people put look on their face. They look down on you. And I don't want Trish to think less of me.

But I have to tell someone! I don't think I want to bottle it up. I bottle a lot of things up, but this...I can't.

So, I ventured through the door, looking for Trish.

"Hey Ally!" Trish spotted me as I walked through the doors.

As she got closer, her face contorted into worry.

"Why are you crying? Did something happen?" she ran towards me.

She looked genuinely concerned for me!

At least someone cares.


Notes/ AN:

Omg. 30 somethin reads?

Awwwee, thanks c:


I'm watching Mulan! :D ❤

That's my favorite movie ever! And Mulan 2.

Lol. So yeaa.

See ya. Refuse To Sink my babess.~⚓

~ Maya❄

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