Chp. 10: Eternally Finding

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Chapter 10: Eternally Finding



I got up onto my tiptoes, and met his lips.

• • •

Austin's POV:

Ally was someone I don't think I can ever figure out completely.

She surprises me all the time. I mean, take right now, for example. I was getting ready to have this whole speech on how we should talk about what's been happening between us lately, and what our feelings are for each other if there are any, but saying all that without sounding to needy or awkward.

And while I was thinking about that awkward moment we shared upstairs about a minute ago, and worrying about whether or not she likes me....

She then goes and kisses me.

I was so stunned and shocked. I couldn't think.

But I just put everything aside and focused not the important thing.

Ally was kissing me. I mean it was perfect. Her petite body in my arms, which were wrapped around her waist. Her small hands tangled with my hair. Our lips were moving in perfect sync. And I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. Which meant breaking it.

Our breathing both ragged, I was grinning like an idiot. I had a smile so wide on my face, I was afraid my mouth would brake. We were still in each others grasp.

I looked down at Ally. She was looking up at me through her hair that was covering her eyes, shyly. She was biting her pink tinged lips softly. Ally was beautiful. I loved the feeling of holding her in my arms. It just felt so right.

She released me, though disappointed slightly, I did the same to her.

"Austin..." She started.

"I don't know about you...but I have been wanting to do that really badly."

She started blushing. She's so cute when she blushes. I threw my wad back and chuckled.

It seemed like she was always so shy, or sometimes insecure. I didn't think she had anything to worry about. I felt as if it was me that should be worried if anything.

It was always the little things that I noticed now. Like when she would smile, sometimes she would cover her mouth with her hand. Her smile is beautiful and bright. She should smile all the time!

I mean, if I was hers...and she was mine. I would tell her that she was beautiful every day.

She just needs to see that, and now more than ever, with Meredith insulting her all that time, putting her down, telling lies that's she's not perfect...I'm determined now more than ever to prove her that she's wrong. That she is beautiful. Because she needs that , she needs someone to be there for her. She needs me. But more importantly....!

I need her.

. . .

Ally's POV:

The kiss was amazing.

Even better than I could have ever imagined. I had this electrical feeling in the pit of my stomach, as if I was shocked, or something along those lines.

I didn't know what to say. He was smiling into the kiss so much that we had to pull away. I mean I would've smiled too. I was just so nervous that when I kissed him, that he woul push me away or worse...that it might've even ruined our friendship.

"I don't know about you...but I've been wanting to do that really badly."

I could feel my cheeks heating up.

How can I transfer from being the shy one to the fearless brave Ally that has the courage to kiss Austin? If someone could explain it to me, that'd be great. Honestly, because I don't even know myself.

But I guess brave Ally chose to come out at the perfect time. Because this moment was perfect.

He came back in to hold me in his arms.

He felt so safe and secure, his big strong body wrapped around my small one. His hands connecting at the small of my back.

It was perfect.

. . .

Austin's POV:

I was standing there, with Ally in my arms.

I never wanted to let go.

"Hey Austin?"

"Yeesss Ally?" I sang-song.

She giggled, which of course made my heart melt.

"I was wondering wha---"

She was cut off by the doorbell. She smiled at me sheepishly.

"Let me go get that."

She padded over to the door. When she opened it...there was a guy around our age standing their.

"Ally!" The guy hollered.

"Oh My Gosh! Josh?" She sounded so happy.

He then wrapped her in a huge hug, he kissed her on top of her head. Which made me Seth with jealousy.

Who is that guy?


Authors Note:

I know you guys hate me for doing that^ Sawwy. ;c

But drama keeps the story rolling. You all know its true.

Anyways...schools almost over!

And you lucky ducks! I updated during Exam Week.

So...I want at least 27 votes on this story before I update next...sorry to do that :(

I love you readers soo sooo much!


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