Chp.19: Dinner For Who?

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Chapter 19: Dinner For Who?


Ally's POV:

I was slightly dozing off as all the boys were bantering in the front if the car.

They were talking about something that had to do with the tour, and something about Dez. I really could care less though, I was back there, halfway in dreamland.

My eyes and mind finally drifted close.

I guess we must have arrived at the restraunt, because all of the sudden, the trunk popped open.

I didn't want to open my eyes.

"Aww. Look, she's sleeping!" I heard someone say.

Then I felt two arms start to pick me up bridal style.

Uh, no. Way to cheesy.

My eyes snapped open.

"What are you doing? I think I can walk by myself. You know, theres something you could do called waking up a person." I said, rolling my eyes at the four boys that looked a little shocked.

And then there's Liam, the one who tried to pick me up.

"Well, sorry." He said dragging out the 'o' sarcastically.

My face softened a little, he meant well. "I apologize Liam, I just want to let you guys know. Just wake me up next time, I can walk just fine."

"Whatever. Can we just go eat now?" Zayn complained.

"What he said!" Niall backed him up.

"Yes. Lets do that." I said walking around, and past Liam to the little diner that Zayn, Niall, Harry, and Louis were all heading too.

On the outside, it said 'Recipe Box: Family Diner.' It was quite nice, it looked small and family friendly. It was sort of far away from all the busy places, I guess to avoid being recognized. The boys all looked out of place here with their hats and sunglasses on when we went inside the restraunt. I mean, they're a world famous boy band. You can't just expect them to be able to go anywhere in daylight without some coverups. It was either wear them, or possibly get mobbed.

The waitress seated us at a table, it was actually more of a small booth. She looked like she was in her early 40's. She had a friendly smile and kind eyes, it matched the atmosphere of the restraunt.

We had just sat down when she handed us our menus. She gave us a moment before she first spoke.

"Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Recipe Box. Do any of you know what you would like to drink today?" Her voice was cheery, despite the bags under her eyes.

"Hello." I said, smiling. "I would like to have a Sprite, please." I don't know why, but I really liked this lady already.

Her eyebrows seemed to crinkle a bit. She looked confused, she wrote it down eitheir way.

"We call it lemonade here." Zayn spoke up.

"Oh, oops. Well, can I have that?" I said, laughing slightly. I didn't know that. I don't know any 'London language', if you'd call it that.

"Sure hon, sorry about that. And how about for the rest of you?" She asked sweetly.

Zayn, who was to my right, answered first. "I would like a Horlicks, please." He said. Then Niall, who was to the right of Zayn said "I would like that too." The waitress nodded, while I sat there with the most confused expression on my face.

Harry across from Niall on the inside answered " I would like a lemonade too." Then Louis, next to Harry said "Can I have Cordial?" the waitress looked surprised but nodded. And Liam, across from me answered " You know, I want Cordial too, actually." She wrote that down too.

"I'll be back with your drinks shortly." She smiled, then walked away.

"What the heck were those drinks that you guys ordered?"

They all chuckled.

"What's so funny?" I said defensively.

"It's nothing. Just Horlicks is a sort of relaxing, before-bed-time drink. And Cordial is sort of a kids drink, that's why the waitress looked surprised when Lou and Liam ordered it." Niall said, explaining it.

"Oh...ok." I was slightly murmuring to my self.

"On another hand, lets decide what we're going to eat, yea?" Liam said, bringing back our focus to the task at hand.

You think it would be awkward between us after that little 'cheesy moment' we had back there, but no. It's not really that important, or that big of a deal.

After Liam spoke, the table quieted down while everybody was reading their menus.

Shortly after that, the waitress came to take our orders. When the last person ordered, the waitress was about to walk away, but she hesitated.

She scanned our table again, her eyes slightly narrowing in concentration.

"Aren't you guys One Direction?" She whispered.

I looked over at the boys, slightly panicked. Was she going to tell anybody? Blow their cover?

"Well, yes. But we'd appreciate if you didn't tell anyone, we're just trying to have a nice quiet evening." Liam said with a pleading look in his eyes.

Her eyes widened slightly.

"I would never! I was just wondering if I could get an autograph for my daughter...she's a huge fan! That's all. I wouldn't dream of spilling your location." She whispered to the table.

Liam looked like he was about to deny.

I then have him a look. He couldn't turn her down! That would be completely unfair. She's even nice enough not to tell everyone in the world that One Direction is eating here. Liam then sighed.

"Yea...ok. Do you have anything to sign with?"

After she went to the back and got some paper and pen, and the boys all signed it, I sat there looking around the restraunt while the boys were talking.

"Ally?" Liam asked.

"Huh?" I just now noticed that our food had come, and that everyone besides Liam and I had dug straight in.

"Oh. Sorry, just got a little distracted." I said starting to pick up my fork.

Louis, Zayn, Niall and Harry were all engage in a conversation about how the tour was going to Europe to America then back to Europe and then to go to other parts of the World.

I mean, this was World tour. We were going to be in Europe to do some promo at first. Interviews, talk shows, appearances, all that stuff. We would have started touring here, but since they started in Europe for their Take Me Home album, for Where We Are we are starting in America to switch it up. I'm glad for that, my Dad will only be a plane flight away during the first part of the tour. For me, the first part of the tour would be the scariest.

Anyhow, I started to slowly cut and eat my food. All the conversation had ceased.

My phone started to ring, the marimba ringtone blaring out. Harry started groaning. I took it out, everyone trying their hardest not to eavesdrop.

I looked on the screen, dropping my fork. My eyes widened, my fork clattering onto the plate as I read the name.

Meredith was calling me.



Sorry this is short. Sorry it took so long.

I am getting frustrated, because I want to move on to the One Direction part of the series.

I've decided that this story is a sort of prequel. This is just the beginning ladies and gentleman.

So, enjoy!

Comment, what do you think Meredith wants?

~Maya ♔

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