Chp. 12: Meetings.

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Chapter 12: Meetings.


Ally's POV:

Josh and I had just arrived at Starbucks.

He had previously asked me where I wanted to go for lunch. I honestly wasn't really in the mood for an actual meal, more like a small snack or something along those lines. So he suggested Starbucks. We could have coffee and a small dessert or pastry. I agreed to that, we have a Starbucks Miami Mall. I'm also taking him to see Sonic Boom after lunch!

He parked the car, pulling the keys out. We un-buckled our seatbelt's and and hopped out of the car. As we started to walk to Starbucks, he grabbed my hand. I didn't really mind it, though. Because whenever Austin held my hand like this, I felt this warm feeling shooting through me that made me slightly weak at the knees. I feel none of that with Josh. Don't get me wrong, I missed him like crazy! And its also true that said I said he was hot, but that doesn't really mean anything. We've been friends for too long for me to think like that.

He escorted me through the door with Ray Ban sunglasses and a hat on, keeping his head down. he then took me over to a secluded table, I don't know why though, I mean it was pretty empty besides the the four teenage girls sitting near the entrance.

After settling in Josh looked at me expectantly.

"I'm going to go up and get us something. What would you like Ally?"

He smiled.

"Just a ice white chocolate mocha and crescent would be good. Hold on though, let me get the money to pay."

I started reaching into my purse to get out the money, when Josh reached down to stop my actions.

"It's ok. Trust me, I've got this Ally." He assured me, chuckling.

I didn't try to deny because, knowing Josh, he wouldn't let me pay anyways. He took off his hat and sunglasses, laid them on the table and got up to go and order.

My thoughts then wandered over to Austin and how he seemed so angry while leaving. How could he be so cruel? I think he hates me for some reason. My heart saddened at the thought that he didn't like the kiss. And then our friendship, and not to mention our music partnership would be ruined! Great. My thoughts were then interrupted as one of the teenage girls looked up. Her eyes widened, and she started hitting her friends hard on their arms. She started squealing and screaming.


Her and her friends rushed up to him, begging him for an autograph and some pictures. What the hell? I was quite surprised at their actions. Why were they fangirling over him? As they were each individually taking pictures with him I was thinking, you have ALOT to explain Josh.

After the girls got their pictures and autographs they left Starbucks.

After he finished ordering and got our food, he walked over to the table and plopped everything down.

I didn't even try to sugar coat it. I just cut to the chase.

"Josh. What the hell was that?"

He looked as though he were prepared to give me a very koy answer. But he knows better, and thought for a while to himself before answering.

"Actually, Ally, that's why I stopped by." He stated, hesitating.

A few moments passed as he stared at me, I gave him a nod encouraging for him to continue.

"Ok. Remember how I went to London in search of a drum gig?" I nodded my head, wondering what this has to do with what just happened.

"Well...I found a job. As a drummer." He grinned widely at me.

His words sunk in, he was a drummer. A small smile appeared on my face. I was happy for him, yet disappointed he didn't tell me. But right then I just decided to play 20 Questions with him.

"What band?"

"A British-Irish Boy band named One Direction."


"About 4 months ago." He stated quietly.

I decided to let that slip.

"Who signed you."

"Well, first I went through auditions with their management and Simon Cowell, and then in front of the lads themselves."

"Are they going on tour? If they are, when?" I asked. That was the important question here.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, actually."

I was really confused.

"What do you mean?"

He smirked.

"You know that oh so 'lovely' friend of yours, Austin Moon."

I tensed at the sound of Austin's name. I didn't know exactly where I stood with him, which I hated. And all the other confusing and frustrating thoughts I thought before, but not the point.

"Well, obviously I do, I mean he is my buisness partn- Oh wait! Have you heard about him and me being the songwriter and all?" I asked, realizing that I haven't told him much about how my music career has been going.

"Yes. And I've been told to tell you both that Simon Cowell told me to give you and Austin this meeting invitation. It will be you and Austin and Simon. It's next week. And you are expected to attend." He stated.

I glared at him.

"So that's the only reason why you visited me? Otherwise you would have chose not to talk to me, right?" I said accusingly.

His eyes widened.

"No! Heavens, no! I just heard that there was a message to be delivered to you, I remembered that I haven't seen you in a while, so I asked to personally deliver it too you. I missed you loads, Ally!" He said defensively.

Oops. I put on a sheepish smile.


"It's ok. But, I have to jet. Simon wants me back at the boys' flat for a meeting. But we'll have to hang out sometime soon. Ok?" He said.

"Of course! It was great seeing you again, Josh!" I said hugging him standing up with my trash gathered.

"As to you. See you later Ally!" He said with a smile and a final wave heading out the door.

I told him that Austin would be picking me up, I needed to talk to him about why he stormed off, and the meeting.

As I was texting Trish, Austin pulled up in his car outside. He had an emotionless expression on his face staring straight ahead. He honked the horn signaling for me to get in without a single glance in my direction.

This was going to be a fun car ride.

Note the sarcasm.


Authors Note:

Lol. I'm in New York for summer vacay! :')

And U have an online history class to take. :'(

So...might update on Wednesday. Because next chapter is a major plot guider-er. :)


Okay? Okay.

Love you.

Your Author,


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