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I pulled up at the trap and I made sure had my pink 9 mm on me. I wasn't playing any games with anybody right now.

When I walked in I saw Quadell and he walked towards me but before he could say anything I said "Meeting. Now."

Without hesitation people started getting up and and going in the meeting room.

Everybody sat down around the table and Von came in last of course, chuckling.

"I thought you left."

"Well you thought wrong." I snapped. I walked towards him with my hands in my pockets, gripping my gun.

"You still haven't realized that you don't need to be-"

"You want one bullet or two?" I said pointing the gun at him as I took the safety off.

"Von just shut the fuck up and sit yo ass down 'fore you get smoked nigga. Damn. Keep frontin' for." One of the guys said defending me.

"Whatever man." As he sat down I kept the gun on him. I turned the safety back on and went back to Zaye's chair.

Quadell thinks he's slick. He smirked as I walked back.

"Excuse me, Quadell." I said in his ear.

"You're Excused." He backed the chair up and licked his lips, basically telling me to sit on his lap.

"Nigga get up. Stop playing!" I said.

He put his hands up in defence and got up.

"Anyways, I got shot at before I went home today. And it might be the same people who shot at one of our guards. We need to get to the bottom of this asap." I spoke.

"Well, what did the car look like?" One of the guys, Charlie asked.

"It was a black ford or chevy I think. I mosty remember that it was black, and it was like a truck or something."

"It was somebody in a truck like that that hit one of the guards."

"I-I think I might know who it is." Von says.

"Share details." I commanded.

"Its another old warehouse on this small street on Hamelton Street. And I think they might be coming from there. I've seen a truck like that go down that street."

We can't exactly do anything. What if they are the wrong people? How are we suppose to know?

"We can't go and check anything because it might not be them." I say.

"I can go check." Von insisted.

"And get killed for being on someone else's turf? You're just asking to go into a death trap."

"I can take some people with me."

I was quiet for a minute. It didn't sound like a good idea.

"That doesn't sound good." I said.

"Them niggas ain't goin' do nothin'. I got this."

"Don't let anybody see you." I said breaking the silence.


"Angbody else got something?" I asked.

Nobody said anything so I dismissed.

I put my elbows on the table and burried my face in my palms.

"You good?" Quadell asked me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

I looked him and shrugged. "I don't know anymore."

We were quiet until he said something.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't say that stuff that Von said."

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