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4 weeks later....

Kyriel's POV

I was at the trap, bored as ever, watching the guys packing duffles. Quadell was sitting on a couch counting money with Vonnell.

Zaye started getting Therapy because he temporarally couldn't walk. When he got shot, the bullet hit a certain nerve.

I can't wait until he comes back so I can stop acting like I know what I'm doing when I don't.

"Damn it!" Price yelled.

Everybody turned their attention to him.

"What happen?" I asked.

"One of our guys got robbed while making a delivery." He said.

Damn well he made that sound like we're a pizza joint or some shit.

"Ugh. I gotta get out if here. I can't keep dealing with this shit." I mumbled as I got up from where I was sitting.
I went to Zaye's office to get my purse.

Quadell followed behind me.
"You goina leave?" He asked me, grabbing my arm.

"Yes, I am. I'm tired of acting like I can handle this when I can't! My dad didn't want this for me anyway. We are getting robbed and shot at and don't even know who's doing it to us!" I say.

I grabbed my purse and walked out. I seriously needed a long ass break.

I'm going to pick my son and my sisters up from my aunt's and then go home.

As I walked outside, gun shots started going off and I ducked down.

See, this is what I fucking mean!

Vonnell ran out and started shooting at somebody. The person drove off and Von held his hand out for me to grab.

"You good?" He asked.

"I'm fine. I just need to get out of here. I don't want this job anymore." I said.

And with that I walked off the porch and to my truck. Just when things get pretty good, shit happens.

I started my range up and pulled off.


"You alright?" My aunt asked me when I walked in her house.

"I'm fine. Just tired." I replied.

"You sure you don't want them to stay a little longer? You look tired."

"Aunt Shana i'm good." I sighed.

"Alright. And they ate already." She called Major, April, and Paris down.
Major ran downstairs and hugged my leg. "Mommyyyyy!"

"Hey Maj. I missed you!" I say, picking him up.

"Me too!"

I put him down though because I started feeling nauseous.

"Y'all let's go. I'm not feeling too hot." I say. I do not have time to be getting sick. Ugh.

"Ky you can stay a while if you not feeling good." My aunt said to me.

"It's okay. I'll be fine."

"Okay well I hope you feel better."

"Thank you."

After we left, we were on our way home.


When I unlocked the door, Major and Paris ran in like they've never seen a loft or whatever this is before.

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