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Thalia's pov.
I went to class no problem right before lunch I had a problem. I sat down in class fine as the bell rang. The teacher stood up and began lesson. He was a bit of an older man short and nerdy.
"Today in English class students we will learn and write an essay on why Thalia is the real person in charge of killing one of our students."
My mouth dropped open and I stood up shaking.
"It wasn't my fucking fault! Did I point the gun to his head or cause him the pain of killing my dad, no, he wanted to do!"
The whole class starred laughing the teacher stopped.
"Someone take Thalia to the office for disrupting my class."
A boy with long dreads and sandals on took my by the arms and began dragging me out I tried to move but this skinny dude was strong. We got to the hallway and I began screaming Billies name. Tye kid told me to shut up.but I didn't and he took me under the stairs.
"If you don't shut the fuck up I'll make the same thing happen to you that it did to your dad!"
I shut up and we went on.
When I got to the office I saw Billie standing there ready to walk out. I ran to him hugging him.
"Thalia what happened are you okay?"
"No." I said feeling a deep sick feeling in my stomach.
Billie said "me too" and we went home.
On the walk there Billie said something to me that didn't seem right.
"Everyone in my class were making fun of you Thalia, everyone calling you things and saying things I couldn't handle it."
Like I said I didn't feel right and at those words I started feeling sick to my stomach I felt light headed like I was going to pass out. I sat on the curb.
"The teacher told the class it was my fault all of it and everyone laughed at me Billie, someone even threatened me."
Billie looked towards me with a sour look in his eyes and held me tight.
"Nothings gonna happen to you. Nothing."
I started to shake again Billie put his jacket around me. He was skinny and kind of short but the jacket was just drowning me I was almost his height and skinnier but not by much but wearing his clothes was like a huge differences.
I could see Billie walking with rage as we went through the front door. He threw his stuff on the floor and went to our room shutting the door and all I could hear was his sweet guitar playing. He was mad. I sat outside the bedroom door leaning against it and thinking. I didn't mean to put Billie in that kind of pain I deserve all of it and he doesn't. He does everything for me I just shit it away. I went to my back pack taking out a pen and a notebook I ripped out the notes throwing them away. I sat back against the wall drawing and writing. I drew anything to nature, to the scenes of sorrow.
I closed it resting my head in my lap. I was tired it seemed tired all the time now. I was having worse nightmares the kind you only have of your fears. Sometimes it worse not waking up from them so I slept less and less sometimes I had no sleep. It hurt my body to sleep sometimes. Sometimes I woke up teeth clenched and my body stiff. It was bad. Suddenly I noticed Billies mom come home. She looked tired or stressed, maybe both. She came down the hall where I sat.
"Listen I heard you guys came home early again it's okay just make sure you keep up with things." She left she didn't even yell. Soon I heard a knock at the door I was hoping it wasn't the guys, they didn't need to miss school because of us. Billies mom answered. (I never said Ollie I don't know it felt weird.) It was my mom at the door, shit.
"Hi is uh Thalia home."
Billies mom gave her a weird look and answered.
"Who is asking??"
I ran into the room with Billie shutting the door he layed on his bed. I crawled under the covers next to him.
"Woah woah woah what's up kid?"
I started to shake a bit against Billie. He pulled me in tighter to him so I would calm down but it didn't help.
"She's" I began to stutter and I was hyper ventilate. Billie pulled the covers off and help sit me up. He began singing a beatles song. I calmed down a bit. I felt like I was going to pass out. I could see the posters on the wall get smaller and I could feel Billies voice get faint coming in and out with every breath I took. We were in sync. Soon his voice was becoming more distant. I could feel myself falling deeper into a nothingness and all I could remember was Billie grasping my hand and falling back into his arms.
When I woke up I was still in Billies lap but it was dark now and there was candles and flash lights.
I could barely speak.
"Power went out, and don't try to speak it's okay she came and left she brought the rest of your stuff all she said was she was done with you and that your dad's funeral was saturday."
I could feel Billies hand brush my cherry red hair. The red was fading but that's okay. I shut my eyes and curled up into his legs where he sat.
"I'm sorry."
"No need you've had it rough."
He kissed my forehead. It seemed like he cares but no one ever cared it was like a pity to care for me.

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