On the road to the city

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Billies pov.
I woke up a bit late. I saw Thalia dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Larry came. He said for you to get your ass up, but I let you sleep." I laughed, that was Larry.
"Here" I handed her my jacket I used as a pillow. She put it on, I grabbed her freezing hands. She looked even more fragile than before.
We walked to the desk, Larry checked her out and we went out to the car. I drove to get things off my mind. We drove Larry home and gathered our stuff. Just as we put the last bags in the car Mike stopped me from behind the car and pulled me over to talk. "Hey uh man, I uh, I can drive." He didn't let me speak and grabbed the keys. Whatever. Tre' was driving down in his own car behind us. I let Thalia sit in the middle. Mike went down the mountain gracefully. Thalia leaned against me closing her eyes. They looked purple and tired.
"Mike when we get down you know where the pharmacy is right?"
"Yeah man."
I could feel Thalia's breathing rise and falter against me. She was alive and that's what mattered most.
Thalia's pov.
I wasn't quite asleep but my head was splitting. Billie was comfy to lean against. I just wanted to get back to the house and actually try to rest. I was hoping the medicine would make me drousy enough. I began coughing it didn't stop but I knew we were close to the pharmacy. I heard Mike get out. I reopened my eyes to see where we were.
"Shhhh" Billie said this as I leaned back against him. I heard Mike slam the door he opened the bag reading me the instructions. I took the inhaler and the 2 pills. I felt my insides clench. My ribs were tight. I felt my hands automatically grip my body.
"Mike can you pull over?" He did and I jerked forward. I pushed Billie out the door and threw up again. I felt a bit woozy and Billie grabbed me. He held me as I threw up more. I felt my insides calm down. He helped me into the car and off we were. I lay against Billie I closed my eyes and drifted away into my thoughts.
Billies pov.
I gently got Thalia off of me and drove Mike home. I thanked him and hugged him I told him that him and Thalia would be able to stay and his face lit up I felt bad for Tre' and also said he could go there if he wanted. He hugged me and said he'd talk to Tre'. When I got home I took our bags inside. Tim was home and carried Thalia inside and on her bed. I was tired as fuck and went to bed instantly. Fuck.
Thalia's pov.
Dream pov.
Mike was driving with me and Bills jamming out next to him. I felt another car collide with us. Pain instantly filling me again. Ribs, head, lungs. Where was I?
I woke up panicking. I sat up. I looked around to find out where I was. In my bed. Tim was gone and Billie above me in his bed. I slid my bed back under Billies.
"Billie" I whispered slightly. His eyes slowly opening looking up at me.
I didn't say anything and climbed in next to him under the covers. I cuddled into him snd he did the same wrapping his arms around me. I fell asleep again although I tried hard not to.
I stared straight into the devil face... my father. "FUCK YOU!" I hissed I heard laughing. "You're never gonna be anything, ever! You're worthless! He should've pointed the gun to your worthless head you made him kill me! Admit it! I should've stole that gun and blown your brain to bits! You'd like that wouldn't you, you stupid piece of shit!!" I stood frozen. "GO AWAY!!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!" I was sobbing. "Ha!ha! You hate yourself!"
Billies pov.
"Nooo! No!" Thalia was screaming. I woke up shaking her awake. She jumped and buried her face into me.
"Make it go away Billie!" I could feel her small body with every strength it had shake. I held her curled up body.
"It's gone Thalia Shhhh Shhhh it's gone." I want her happy again, but was she ever?

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