Fun doesn't last long

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*****2 weeks later*****

Bianca's pov.
"Give me that" I snatched the French toast from Josh's hand.
"You stole it from me first you dick!"
He rolled his eyes at me.
"Here Josh I made some more" Adie said this smiling.
"Do you have more boxes to take to your dads?" Adie said cutting her toast.
"Yeah a couple and my dresser i actually wanted to paint it before moving it."
"that's great sweetheart! It's going to be so weird without you here! I'm gonna miss my girl."
"It's okay I'll still visit. A lot like this Little weirdo has been doing." I scuffled Josh's hair.
"Get the rest" Mike said coming in with Billie pulling the dresser down.
Suddenly a drawr flew off hitting the railing with a thousand box of razors falling everywhere. My heart sank. Everyone went pale and my ears were buzzing. Fuck.
"Fuck" Billie said.
That's where the stash was. I had to. I had to fucking do it. I stood up almost fainting.
"Don't any of you say anything." I lifted up my sleeves and rolled up my sweats. I was clean. No fresh cuts I even revealed my stomach. I yearned to do it again.
Mikes pov.
I saw her whole body I saw the external wounds and my heart fell lower than my feet. I've never seen her skin before. All those scars how could she do it. I sat down almost in a state of panic, Billie could see it on my face.
Billies pov.
I led Mike into another room to calm down. I could hear Bianca searching in the cupboards for her Pills. Damn she was freaking out, but for what.
"Calm down its okay" I could hear Josh in the other room as Adie came in here and pulled me away as she sat down with Mike I ran in to see her getting carried to the couch freaking out. I grabbed a cold clothe. "Sweetie no one's mad. No one is going to hurt you."
Biancas pov.
I wanted to be normal but this wasn't happening. Why was I freaking out. I've been doing great and now I've fallen into this dispare again. I heard a giant clap of Thunder and thats when I started getting flash backs again. I held my breathe as I felt a warm hand push me under the water at the beach. It was dark and no one else was around. Everytime I went under I felt light headed. I ended up passing out because the next thing I knew my clothes were completely soaked and I had been left on the beach all alone. I was freezing and shaking especially because now it was raining I walked but not home the only place I knew where to go was the park but that's when the screaming started again from her following boyfriend and the abuse when I did come back home. And when it all happened was the strike of Thunder because no one could hear my pain.
Josh's pov.
I saw her laying there screaming for everyone to stop but she wasn't talking to us. I held her hand tight and another crack of Thunder went on and suddenly she was waking up and feeling her head like It was in pain. "JOSH!" she screamed. I jumped a little. She curled into a ball and squeezed her eyes shut and she began to cry. "Daddy.." both Mike and Billie ran in.
Billies pov.
I held her tight as Mike was still in shock. "Ple-please, se-send me for he-help I can't do this." I ran my hands through her hair I was worried. "Do you wanna go back to school?" I had been helping her learn more she might be ready. "N-no I just wanna be normal and get more help" she held onto me tight I knew what me and Mike had to do and we headed to his house. It was all set up Tre' helped out the room was done. We went in and showed her around she loved it. She was silent but hugged and kissed both of us she was happy. "Please don't leave" she was shaking. I kissed her forehead. "I won't sweetie." We turned on the TV to Netflix we all watched some weird foreign movie even though it was pretty late. She fell asleep in my arms and the boys were asleep on the rest of the giant bed Mike really spoiled this girl.
Biancas pov.
I woke up in Billies arms it was about 3 am. No one was up but him " whatcha watching?" I stuttered out.
"The walking dead, go back to sleep now little one"
I rolled my eyes and dragged myself up to get some water. There Billie followed. The moon was shining through the kitchen curtains. It was a dead silence in the air. I found a glass, shaking I filled it up. I was nervous for some reason and sat down closing my eyes with every sip I took. I suddenly actually woke up I was on the kitchen floor in Mikes place. I slept walked but it was different. It was sleep torture because the floor was covered in blood. Was it mi-mine?? I wiped my nose. Some but not much I checked my arms and legs and the last was my stomach. There was a lot of blood. WHAT DID I DO. I couldn't let anyone see but it was bad I took some paper towels and cleaned up the floor and the knife next to me. It hurt to stand up or even move. I crept to the bathroom and locked the door. I looked around found a rag and got cold water and cleaned up. I began crying softly and bandaged up. I flushed the toilet and walked to the couch crashing.
Mikes pov.
"DADDY!!" Ryan giggled. I picked her up and kissed her forehead. "Can I play with Bianca?" I smiled and said yes. Waking her up Ryan dragged her off of the couch. "RYYYYAN  it's too early" Bianca whined and Ryan kept giggling. She finally got up and walked over to Ryans room they were adorable together. Ryan was excited. "DADDDD" I heard Bianca yell. I ran in. "Yes?" "Can I head to Billies house today?? I think I forgot somethint." I agreed and Took Ryan to go shower it was a big day for all of us..
Bianca's pov.
We were at Billies house I ran to Joeys room and sat with him and His cousin with Purple hair and Josh they were practically in love I was Happy we all sat talking and Jakob walked in. "What time is court??"
"It's at noon" the clock said 10:45. I layed down resting my head on Joeys lap. I was not ready to do this. I started getting a pounding headache like someone took a hammer to it. Joey could see me begin to sweat but I was freezing. He sat me up and I began shaking. Was I even happy this was happening?? Finally I snapped out of it. Everyone was staring and I buried my face into my knees. How could this happen to me?
"Can I go with you guys??" Joey said this grabbing my hand. I looked up I suddenly felt calm.
"Sure" I said kind of nervous.
Biancas pov.
I sat next to Mike the family was outside of the court. Since it was an immediate family matter it was me,Brittney, Mike, the judge and a lawyer.
"So Mike and Brittney why should you guys get custody of Bianca??" I froze staring at Mike.
"I never knew her. I was denied I ever had a daughter. I knew when I first saw her who she was. All the feelings flood back and she never had proper care. I've helped Billie the foster father pay all her medical bills and expenses I want to be in her life."
The judge spoke once more.
"Well from what I've seen you guys are amazing parents so has her foster parents. I feel you are eligible your kids seem healthy there's no legal issues we will check up on her for the first couple of months but since she is almost 18 we won't have to do much more." I shook my head at his words. He whispered to the Balif and Billie and Adie came sworn in. I took a deep breath.
"Now this is a very serious process. She will have to collect her items and by Friday be sent back to the orphanage."
My heart sunk. It sunk deep beneath my feet and into the floor. I felt paralyzed. I couldn't go back there. I just wanted to hurt myself or someone....

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