Not so good

16 0 1

Bianca's pov.
When we got back home all I could think about was going to the courts. Finally. I lay awake. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I went down the hall. Joey was the only one awake. It was about midnight.
"Joey can I crash here? My van broke and I cant make it back across town." The Scottish accent was familiar.
"No problem man"
I came down stairs.
"Go back to bed Bee."
It was Josh. I ran and hugged him.
"Hey! You're the girl who didn't want to tell me a thing."
"I know" I laughed a little. "I'm actually doing better but I'm Bianca."
I hadn't realized but it'd been a couple of months since I've seen him.
"Well it's fine. I've actually heard about you because of Joey. You seem like a real sweetheart."
I smiled a little because no one ever talked like that to me.
"How'd you meet Joey?" I asked this sitting on the couch and curling under a blanket covering my freezing body while the two sat on each side of me.
"Well it was the swmrs show a couple months ago out in front of rudies. I used to know a couple people who lived up there in the whole Berkley area. Well I was at a show and this guy in the pit was beating on this girl I was so angry so GOD DAMN ANGRY-" his voice was rising a bit scaring me.
"That I went in pulled her off of him and punched him in the eye. Then got her out of the audience. I made sure she was okay and all. The band saw the whole thing and thanked me and also thanked me for leaving before anything got worse but I started talking to Joey and all because the other guys left for a minute and me and Joey were talking about the things we're into and stuff and that's how we met."
"That's sweet you did that" I smiled and yawned. I was honestly a bit jealous because Josh was kind of cute but he's here now.
"Bianca you look tired."
"I am really tired"
I stretched out on the boys,laughing and laying across their laps while they talked. I was staring at the ceiling making out little pictures of the popcorn look. My head was throbbing and Josh was playing with my hair. When you have lots of it I guess guys like playing with it. It was making me fall asleep and when I did I had another nightmare.
Bianca's dream pov.
I was on mikeys couch and heard the door slam. I jumped up in horror off the couch. It was my mom right in Mikes face.
"YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT." She was yelling at him. I couldn't stop her.
He stayed calm.
"Like you did any better Lilith. You were hooked. You died from drugs you couldn't get your life together when I did."
She was getting angrier and a vase flew right at me."
I jumped awake from the couch almost falling off. My heart was racing and I went to the bathroom.
"BILLIE!" I forgot which ones were mine.
"Fuck fuck." I climbed in the bathtub curling up. I needed my medicine I was freaking out.
"He-lp" I squeaked out.
Suddenly someone came running. It was Josh.
"Pi-lls, pa-panic atta-tac, ha-ha-heart."
I barely squeaked words out. He rummaged through tossed me the bottle.
"Wa-one orrr tw-o"
He grabbed the bottle back and held up one finger. He ran and came back with water. I took the pill and stayed curled up. My breathing was slowing. I finally looked up. Josh was sitting outside of the tub by me. I was awake and I looked around making sure I was grounded. I got up and was really dizzy And put the put the pills back. We stayed silent and went back to the living room. I checked the time. 4 a.m. I wasn't going to go back to bed. I just knew it. He layed down and I layed right next to him.
"I didn't know." He whispered.
"I've almost um died from them before. It's a heart condition my dad has. Uh sorry I woke you. I can't read very well and it gets worse when I get the attacks."
"That's okay, what caused it? If you don't mind me asking."
"I had a nightmare, it was a small one. I can't deal with people yelling and throwing things and that's exactly what my mom did."
He cuddled up with me. It wasn't bad. It felt nice.
Josh's pov.
I layed with Bianca. She was super tiny. Joey told me about that. I felt bad but she was awfully beautiful. I stroked her hair. She was finally drifting off to sleep again and so was I.
Josh's dream pov.
I woke up. She by Green Day was playing. I was in my own bed. With a girl with crazy purple hair next to me. The bed was bouncing with a small child. I laughed and pulled him down off the bed.
"Let mommy sleep. She had a rough night." I took him downstairs. And made him cereal. He was adorable and had a bit of baby fat.
"Daddy can mommy come to work day?"
"Of course!"
I kissed his forehead.
I woke up with a pounding headache. I checked the time. God only 7. She was already up having a coffee with Joey's dad.
I got up shaking his hand.
"HI I'm Josh, Joey's friend."
"HI Josh, I'm Billie, Joey's dad" he joked and continued reading the paper.
"Mikes coming at 1 to take you to the doctor."
"Alright, Josh you want something to drink or eat?"
"I'm fine. I should really get working on my car. Um Billie is it okay if I borrow some tools?"
"They're in the garage to the left the doors right there. Just park your car there it's fine."
I took off my leather jacket and went outside to get my van.
Bianca's pov.
Mike finally came and got me. When we got there they took us into a room and swabbed our mouths. It was court order to get us tested. Then they took me back for monthly evaluation. I got my blood taken and a bunch of other things I was close to healthy still anemic and malnourished but not as bad as I was before. When we left I was glad to be out of there I almost had another panic attack.
"Let's get some lunch?"
"Yes you need to eat."
I rolled my eyes. I already felt sick to my stomach. We made it to outback. I was getting mad with Mike and I didn't know why.
"Mike stop it, I'm not going in!"
"Yes you are!"
"I'm not going into that fucking restaurant."
Mikes pov.
She called me Mike which hurt me and now she was practically cussing me out. I rolled my eyes.
"Fine, fuck where do you want to eat?"
"I just wanna sleep okay?"
I was getting frustrated.
"You're not gonna go home and fucking sleep you're going to eat lunch with me and then go home. you need to eat I'm sick of you getting sick all the god damn time. You're 17 years old and shouldn't be getting out and getting sick all the fucking time like you're dying. I care about you more than you fucking think and I don't see how you can repay me by getting mad. Let's go eat. Now."
She started shaking in her seat and her voice trembling in broken words.
"I-im sorry do-dont adopt me then." She walked out of the car and to the curb. She lit up a cigarette and sat there looking down. How was I going to apologize now.
Bianca's pov.
I started crying on the curb. He yelled at me. He didn't understand this is just me it has been since my mom put me in this state. I put my cigarette out and walked back to the car.
"Just take me home I'll eat there." I kept my head down and played with my pack of cigarettes. There was only 5 left.  So I took another one and lit it on the way back home. I knew I was in bad health but these actually helped.
"Get that damn thing out of your mouth." Mike snapped at me and we were at Billies.
I ran inside.
"Fuck off" I yelled as I ran past Mike Billie and the family. I slammed the door shut.
Billies pov.
"Mikey what happened? What'd ya do?" Everyone (adie, me, Josh, Jakob, Joey) looked around confused.
"She didn't want to eat and it was apparently so painful to even walk into the restaurant. She wanted to sleep but I was going to make sure she was going to eat. Billie she called me Mike. I was just frustrated. She's dying and I can't help her." He walked away to the bathroom I heard him crying. It's been awhile since I've heard him cry. In fact the last time I heard him cry like this was when Thalia died and even I wasn't there for his complete grieving process. 
Bianca's pov.
My ears burning. My stomach churning. My heart pounding. I was a walking disaster. I ran to the bathroom throwing up water and dry heaving. I wasn't gonna make it. I was shaking. Fuck I was going to die.
Bullies pov.
I heard puking from upstairs and ran. The fuck was Bianca doing? I knocked and then opened her bedroom door I ran into the bathroom where she lay shaking against the toilet.
"Daa-Billie am I dying?"
I giggled a bit.
"No sweetheart you're sick."
I carried her downstairs. She was really light. I lay her on the couch. I got her some water and pills.
"She okay?" Mike bent over kissing her forehead.
"Dad, uh so-sorry for earlier.." she fell into silence turning away.
She fell asleep soon right after and Mike left so did Adie and the boys and me and Josh stayed.
"Billie,you built this?"
"Sure did with help of coursr."
Bianca's dream pov.
"Well fuck." I said this taking another drag off my cigarette.
"You're dying, faster and faster each day." Andy said staring me dead in the eye.
"Why don't you listen to anyone? Why can't you listen to me?"
I held my breath afraid to speak afraid to say anything.
"I just-" I bit my lip.
"No excuses. You see that boy next to Billie Joe? He's going to be your best friend for a long time and you see Billie Joe? He's going to be not just like an uncle but your guardian, your best friend and always there for you. Now wake up. You're drowning."
I couldn't speak and suddenly I was underwater.
I jolted awake sitting awake in sweat. It was dark. I ran upstairs. I had to look under my bed. Nope. In the closet. Nope. Fuck.
Suddenly the door creeked open. I jumped dropping the box of old antique shit I used to collect.
"What's all the noise about?" Billie said this scratching his head.
I ran over hugging him.
It last for what felt like forever.
"Go to bed kid"
"Come with" I whined. I was secretly afraid something was going to happen.
"Finne. Get in your bed." I slid in and Billie slid in next to me. I fell fast asleep.

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