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A shrill voice emerging from your throat,

Is like a volcanic eruption bound to erupt.

The scenic view of your face,

Makes lightning seem harmless as paced.

Your buoyant smile spreading across your face like butter,

Can kill old men like swords and banter.

If you can't think of whats right,

How on Earth is there still room for good?

The voices in your sadistic mind speak no words,

It merely colours your mind black.

Are you a sadist? A killer? A murderer?

Or maybe you're just a human being. A cruel human being with a cruel mind possessing a cruel soul.

Thats what you are, cruelty lies deep within your veins like a fossil fuel.

Buried deep below.

You are cruel, and cruelty is you.

The Living Broken (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now