Chapter 1

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Valentine POV

I look through my sunglasses, I felt bothered. But I always feel bothered. Cara made us look like idiots. It's the day after Christmas and she's swimming in a kitty pool with floaties on. "What are ya doin Cara?" I asked her. "I'm a mermaid" she told me like if she could swim in the pool. The water didn't even touch my ankles.

While she was in the pool I was in a beach chair putting my feet in the water. I had my bathing suit on only because Cara made me put it on. "Why are you mad?" Cara asked me. "It's December. Why can't it feel like winter. Just one day would I like it to be cold" I told her. It was 74 degrees out, living in Southern California makes you feel like 60 degrees is cold. And I just wanted it to be 10 degrees lower.

"Don't be mad" Cara told me. "What's the difference. Im always mad" I respond. Since I came back from 1987 feeling guilty that I didn't tell Corey he died, I haven't felt the same. People noticed I wasn't the same. My parents noticed. They've asked, but I always change subjects. No one will understand what others me.

"Girls! food is ready!" We heard my mom yell from the house. We raced inside but Cara won. "I'm going to work now. I'll be home before dinner so be good" my mom told me. "Okay mom" I responded.

My mom left Cara me and the whole pizza by ourselves. "I like your hair" Cara told me biting a piece of her pizza. I had to buns on each side of my head. "Thanks" I responded. "What did you get for Christmas?" Cara asked me. "A Polaroid. But not those ugly basic ones. I got the one that looks vintage" I responded and handed her the box with the camera inside. "Cool have you tried it?" Cara asked. "No not yet" I said. "What did you get?" I asked. "Disney land pass" she responded.

Cara liked going to Disney Land. I don't care for it. I think it's snobby, especially they're prices. They act like its the most greatest place on earth. I don't think it's that great waiting two hours for a ride that takes 7 minutes. It's always packed and the food and merchandise is expensive as hell.

"The only Disney land I want to go to is Disney land in the 90's that looked so cool" I said. "Then why don't you go" Cara asked. "Yeah right go to the 90s" I said. "Well.... I've been working on this new invention of a new time traveler!" Cara told me. I dropped my pizza from my fingertips to my plate. "Really?!" I asked. "Yeah. It's more advanced and I need a tester" Cara told me. I tried not to freak out. "Cara... Are you saying I'm going to be able to see Corey again?!" I ask.

Cara's smile grew more and more and I lost it. I started jumping up and down and screaming. "For real?!" I ask. Cara nodded her head. We screamed and jumped together.

We probably looked like weirdos screaming and jumping up and down in bathing suits in December but we didn't care. It was the happiest day of my life. Seeing Corey Haim one more time!

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