Chapter 8

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Valentine POV

At the party it was like every party. I loose Corey and sit in the couch bored.

I got up to go to the kitchen  it was really packed in their. I bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry" I said. "That's alright" I heard her giggle. I look up to see who it was and couldn't believe it.

It was Alyssa Milano. She's my 80s queen. Well we're in the 90s here. My mom and I loved watching her in Who's the boss. "Y-you're-" she laughed. "Alyssa Milano" she cheered and shook my hand. "What's your name?" She asked. I calmed myself down from panicking in the inside. "Valentine" I responded. "Oh yeaaah" she said as seeming to remember me. I followed her to the kitchen. "You're Corey Haim's girlfriend right?" She asked. I then remembered they used to date. I don't know I forgot I don't know how I forgot. I mean, they were OTP!

"Well I wouldn't say girlfriend..." Heck I would love to be his girlfriend though. "It's okay. I'm not mad or anything. You seem sweet" she said. I lowkey fan girled. If only I could tell my mom about this. My mom and I have a good bond. We like the same things and same old music, actors and of course movies.

"I'm actually a huge fan of you" I told her. "Thanks" she said with a smile. She was really nice. "Wanna drink?" She said. "Yeah a water" I ask. She grabbed me one from the fridge behind her. She was really nice and pretty. Don't you think it's weird when you always see someone on your tv or phone admiring them and then you see them in real life right in front of your eyes seeing they are real. It feels awesome right? You're in awe. Being able to talk to my idol like if we were best friend is a dream come true.  We talked for the rest of the night laughing and gossiping and talking about ourselves.

While were talking I glanced down at my watch. It was 12:12am. "ITS 12?!" I gasped. "Already? It doesn't seem that late." Alyssa told me. "I know. It's just. I Have to leave" I said. I tried looking for Corey with Alyssa helping but we couldn't find him. "Alyssa. I need you to find Corey and tell him that I had to leave. Okay" I asked. She nodded. "Okay. But hey we should keep in touch" she smiled at me. "We will" I said and ran off.

Cara is going to be so pissed at me. I don't want the same thing from last time to happen again. I ran to Corey's house. I wasn't to far from his house. When I got there the door was unlocked thankfully. I went in and grabbed my backpack. I got on my bike and pedaled to the bridge. I was going to fast and it was so dark I could barely see where I was going.

I was half way there when I heard my name. I thought it was in my head and kept going until I heard it again. I stopped and turned back. "Valentine wait!" It was Corey. I got off my bike, he ran up to me. "Again?" He panted. "I couldn't find you Corey" I responded. "I told you I was leaving today. But you keep ignoring me like last time" he looked at me " did you ever think it's because I don't want you to leave?" He asked. "I don't want to leave either Corey. But I have a life to live somewhere else unfortunately. I come to see you for a while and have fun" I explained. "And leave and come back in 5 years?" He asked. I felt like crying. I hated this part. Saying good bye. "And having to hear it from my ex? Thanks Valentine" he said sarcastically. "Okay yeah sorry about that but I was running late. Im running late right now!" I told him.

" so I guess I won't see you for another 5 years then?" He asked. A tear slipped down my cheek. I wish this never happened. I didn't want to break his heart. I didn't want to break my own heart. This only caused more sadness yet I come back thinking it'd be fun. "I shouldn't have came here" I mumbled. "I-I'm glad you did, Valentine. I just wished you wouldnt have to leave" he told me. I shook my head. "I-I can't do that. I wish I could! But I can't" I told him.

He gave me a huge warm hug. It was cold and he just made me feel so warm. I never wanted it to end. "Good bye Corey" I said. He kissed my lips and I blushed but kissed him back. Before saying anything else I got on my bike and rode off not wanting to look back.

AUTHORS NOTE: do you think it's over? Hold on a few chapters more!

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Oh yeah. Happy new year!

-Itzel :X

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