14. Who's Watching

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Original Published Date: 15 October 2015



"Now that I got you in handcuffs, you probably want to let me go." Timothy smirked. "Ya, know it kinda sucks when you're living a lie, worse than that you're dragging a dog that can walk."

"Shut up and go." I grunt.

"So, big brother, tell me how her reaction was when you stared into her deep gorgeous ocean blue opals. Was she positive, did she sound absolute when she said 'mine', Jonathon, was she sure." I was going to punch him, but he tisked his tongue. "Don't forget. My girlfriend, Nadia, she knows too. Right now she's being nice." He kissed my forehead and messed up my hair.

This could ruin me.

I rushed back to the house. When I got to her room, every last one of her friends was by her side. Calvin lied next her on the bed sleep with Debra on the other side and beside Deb was Rey. Menus lied asleep on the width of the bed. Grant was on the floor holding the a pillow underneath his head. How long was I gone?

I looked at the white and pink clock that sat on her desk top. I've been gone for two hours and it's only eleven.

How could I forget she wasn't my actual mate? Why did I ask for that stupid chemical cologne? Why am I still here?

Soon I let sleep dawn over me, and I was dreaming like the rest.


"Wake up, idiot. Cassandra was supposed to meet with her father two hours ago and he's getting suspicious. I think he'd like to hear what happened from her mate, and why he wasn't told earlier." Debra slipped on her boots as the others were wide awake, all except Cassandra.

"C'mon, Alpha Dove is impatient."

Oh, shit.

How do I deal with this? "Are you stupid, your mate is in trouble yet your sitting in that stupid chair doing nothin'. You're acting like she isn't your mate at all." Debra growled. I growled lowly at her, but I wasn't persuasive.

I pushed my feet in my Nikes and rushed out the door behind the group.

Calvin was the first to walk into the Alphas office, as I was the last.

"Hey, Alpha Dove." I say quietly.

"Don't speak! Explain."


"You've got to try, Cassandra." A ghostly voice urged.

"Try what?" I ask.

"Try to wake up. You have to get up!" She yelled.

"I can't! I've tried! Its as if I'm paralyzed and the only thing that'll work is my mouth."

"Trouble is on the way, Cassandra. You must get up. Get up now!"

My eyes shot open, but it was the direct opposite of who I wanted to see. Timothy.

"You're woke a little earlier than expected." He kind of frowned looked over at something.

"You screwed up, Timothy, now we have to work fast." I turn my head and saw a beat up Nadia. Did I do that?

Timothy reached for me, but I turned on my side kicked the center of my of his throat knocking the wind out of him. He hit the ground followed by gasps of deep breathes. Nadia rushed over to him and let out a relieved breath.

She aimed a gun at me and I rolled onto the floor after a click. A red feathered dart pierced the wall. I heard the same click, and felt something prick my leg, I looked down and saw a green feathered dart. I pulled it out and tossed it to the side. My leg started to feel numb and I felt like I've drank six bottles of tequila.

Next thing I know I feel a striking pain in my side. Even in my hazy vision I can see and feel Nadia kicking my ribs in me. Once the pain stopped, furious fists struck my face maybe six times. Then a fierce kick to the head knocked me out.


"...don't worry, she's still unconscious in her bed in her room." I say nervously.

"Okay, if you're all here. Who's watching my daughter... making sure of no intruders?" He asks.

We all passed the same look around, but stopped at the sound of Alpha Doves fist breaking piece off of his wooden desk. We followed him out his office and to Cassandras room.

He twisted the door knob, but it was locked. He bust the door open with only one strike at the door with his shoulder. Once everyone stampede in the room, the only thing that was there, was my unconscious brother.

No sign of Cassandra.

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