18. As To Why

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Original Published Date: 24 October 2015




"A person can't fake their mate, it's highly impossible." I point out.

"But not impossible." Grant argued.

"Okay, well, it is impossible then." I growl.

"You know it's possible! You just want to be with her, again." Grant snapped.

"That's not even true. You're just saying this, 'cause when Tucker and Cassandra broke up you were married to your damn video games and instead trying to comfort her. You're also mad because you dumped her a week after y'all even dated, and two days later you walked in my room without knocking and me and Cass was having sex!" I yelled. Obviously my honesty was too much for him to take in calmly.

"Ah, damn." Balfer whispered.

Menus had a knowingly smirk plastered on his face. That's when I noticed Grants sunny yellows eyes glaring at me.

"Am I supposed to be scared?" He tackled me off my seat and on to the floor, swinging at me left and right.

He had finally pushed the. Limit to when he kneed me in the face. So I kneed his side and threw him off of me beginning show him he's not as strong as he thought.

Suddenly I felt two hands on each of my upper arms and I was being dragged off of Grant.

I didn't see his face, but once I did it was a bloody mess, boy was I in a heated faze.

Menus pulled me to my feet. "Lets go for a walk." He says putting his arm on my shoulder.

***<You already know what happened>*** Now***

"Hey love birds. Snap out of it." I snapped my fingers and Menus growled irritatingly.

"Calvin?" Maria turned her attention to me. She hugged me and traced her hand over my muscle. "You're exactly how my sister described you." She says.

I grabbed both of her wrists in one hand and gripped them tightly, I loosened my grip when I heard a threatening growl from Menus. "Sister?" I growl.

"Yes. Nadia. My Sister. Your mate." I looked at Menus, he didn't seem as if he wanted to be mated to her anymore. "She's not a bad person, she's just easily angered. You should accept her."

"No way in hell I am."

"Please. She said if I didn't convince you to be her mate again, I'm going to end like Lydia. At first I didn't care, but that was before I met Menus. If you don't do it for me then do it Cass. Nadia said Cassandra has three days to live, if she doesn't have you along with Timothy and Eugene with'er too. And if I don't succeed, I'm going to end up just like Lydia." She pleaded, and her eyes says so much more that hasn't been said.

"What else is there?" I growl.

"If you try and-"

"Calvin!" I knew exactly who yelled my name the dominant tone and alpha strength in his voice, it was obvious. "Come with me. No questions to be asked." I gave Menus and Maria one last look and followed Alpha Dove to who knows where.


"You still like, Cass!?" Balfer yelled, but I didn't respond. "Holy, shit! You love Cass. You're a complete idiot!" He gripped the sides of his hair and pulled, as he started jumping up and down.

He kept yelling and cussing, until I finally had enough. "Okay I get it!" I yelled, "I like Cass, but have you seen her? Who doesn't?"

"Well, me. I just can't be friends with someone because I want to end up dating them. Unlike you, Cav, and Tucker, maybe Menus too." He had finally calmed, but his facts were aching. "No offense." He mutters. "So how long?" He asks.

"How long what?" I ask.

"You've loved her."

I look down at him. "I don't think I ever stopped."


"Would you like to know what's going on?" Alpha asked me as I sat in a empty chair.

"Yes sir." I say respectfully.

"Okay." He paused and took his laptop out of its case. I could hear him typing the keys and then he turned the laptop to me. It had a pause button on it and I looked at him. "Press enter."

I did as he told me, and clicked enter.

"Where's Cassandra." Alpha Dove yelled.

"Do you want to know?"

"Is that Eugene?" I ask. Alpha nodded his head and gestured for me to keep watching.

"You know exactly what I want to know and if you don't tell me, well, I'll find a way." Alpha says.

"Lets make a deal. If tell you the information, he'll tell you something you'd like to hear." I clicked the spacebar pausing the video.

"Who's, he?" I ask, pointing to the guy in the chair next to Eugene.

"Timothy. Jonathons brother." I click enters and it started to play again.

"All I want to know is, where my daughter is." He growled.

"She's safe... for now at least. Nadias taking great care of her, well... let's hope. She really wants her Calvin. She was so mad, she killed like three rogues that were sleeping on your land, and she killed them and let the river dispose of their bodies." Eugene laughed.

"Just tell me where Cassandra is, this'll be less difficult."

"She's on the boarder of Red Sky's Pack and No man's Land." Alpha Dove punched them both in the face with only one swing.

"Now for our entertainment," Eugene spat out blood, "don't trust Johnny boy. He's not mated to your daughter."

"As I hate to say so, he is."

"But he's not. Ya see. My good friends here Timothy is a specialist... in science at least. He made a poison or whatever to make female Alpha fall for them. Jonathon was desperate and didn't care to think twice. Timothy, being the youngest didn't really have a choice to listen. Your daughter... well, let's just say she knows and you better get to him before she does."

The video ended and I looked up at Alpha Dove to see a smug smile staining his lips.

"So, Cass, isn't mated?" I ask.

"Precisely. We jus-" I was happy, I just couldn't let him finish, although I will have to pay the price later.

Like a hyperactive eight year old I jumped out of my seat, and did something's in front of the alpha that I probably shoudln't've done.

Alpha growled lowly. He never did like the fact that Cass and I had a thing, but then again I'm the only she's been with that her dad actually approved of, that's the only reason I'm still alive. "Sit down, Calvin! This is only the beginning."

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