34. Wanted

6K 236 9

Original Published Date: 03 April 2016

-2 weeks later-



I open my eyes to see the woman that saved my life sleeping beautifully next to me, Cassandra. I smile at her, but she doesn't see, She's still sleeping. I slowly sit and open the drawer in the night stand, for a paper and pen and begin to write.

I go to Menus and Debra. Yes, they're mates smelled them all over each other. Before Reynolds could say anything to Debra she rejected him. Menus tried to calm down Maria when she found out, but he still rejected her. She's dating another guy in our pack, but whenever she sees Menus and Debra together she breaks out in tears though. Menus admitted he misses her and had been tempted to go back to her, but he didn't want to leave Debra. He's still thinking about.

Debra on the other hand, she asked me if I could pull a couple strings to get Maria out of the pack, she says that deep down in her soul she knows that Menus will go back to Maria if he sees her cry one more time. I didn't only notice the reason why she wanted Maria to leave is because Reynold slept with like six girls in our pack before he left to his old pack. I told her it's not my area of expertise, whatever that meant, to pull strings like that. I knew she'd go to Cass about it so I told her first.

Debra decided to come with me. Everything was expensive, but for what I was going to do Alpha Dove had my back so he told me to grab which ever one he thought Cass would like no matter the price. "What about this one? What do you think Deb?" I ask her.

"What do I think? I think it's perfect. She'd love it." Deb admired it for a moment and hesitated to give it back to me. It was worth 11K, but our love is worth more than that, but I know she'll love it anyway, she'd love if it was 2K.

We are on our way to pack house. I made sure I slept in her room so I could change in mine. I put the gift in the pocket of my suit. Everyone in the pack knew what I was up to, except Cassandra. They got me out the house without her even knowing I came back. I headed over to the meadow that's 20 miles away. Luna and Debra help me set up the picnic and everything. The sunset here is amazing and that's when I was going to do it.  All I have to do is wait for her to finish the scavenger hunt.


I rolled over in the bed to cuddle with Calvin, just to find that he wasn't there. I sit up curiously. Where'd he go? I turn to where my feet are hanging off the side of the bed to see a note on the night stand.

Hey, gorgeous, I'll be out for a minute. Go to Menus' room to ask him about my disappearance.

Menus? Why him? Probably has something say about Maria or Debra. They do know the Goddess made mates for a reason.

I go in the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. When I got out the shower I go in my closet to see a beautiful red dress that read "put on, and collect the cards as you continue the quest".

I knock on his door I'm cautious of him and Deb. When I didn't hear a answer I opened the door. I did, and there was a note on his bed.

Sorry, babe, you just missed him go to the game room

What is this? A scavenger hunt? Yup, it is. It's something Calvin would do. I do as the note said.

I reached the game room but all I saw was Grant and Tuck playing a video game. Grant looked at me then at the game. He looked at me again and paused the game. "What are you dressed up for, because you know Tucker has a mate." He joked and I playfully push him.

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